
Tooshie Shakin’ Toni Making An Appearance


Welcome to Friday, because my head hurts and I don’t feel like thinking you all get to be the awesome recipients of getting to watch a video of a very famous person (well in her own head anyways)…ME!

Okay so the fame is clearly a dillusion but you still get to see me dance. Don’t worry you won’t see me trying to actually mimic a video, well unless it’s Always by bon Jovi and I get to be the girl and he is here, then I will totally act that out for the cause mind you. Or trying to act all sexy.

Why you ask? Because I would look like an idiot

So instead I shall just dance around and have fun, no seriousness required.

And now it’s your turn…go dance a little!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Yes, you are crazy!
    .-= Mommy Fabulous´s last blog ..Positive Obama comment turns HOSTLE =-.

  2. 3

    LOL!!! Funny! That song always rocks!

  3. 5

    LOL My 3 yr old LOVES your video!! If you could make a 30min one I might be able to take a shower uninterrupted…
    .-= Stephanie@The Blue Zoo´s last blog ..Guest Posting Today!!! =-.

  4. 7

    Totally hilarious!
    .-= Trish @IamSucceeding´s last blog ..Good Bye Rich…For Now =-.

  5. 9

    Every time I come over here you are dancing. LOL

  6. 11

    You crack me up!! How fun you are.
    .-= Sandy´s last blog ..Donating – Reducing Your Clutter and Helping Others =-.

  7. 13

    Well, congratulations! I never thought anyone could make me listen to Kenny Loggins again. That was outstanding and it makes me want our duet to come together even more now. We’re gonna rock it! You dance though.
    .-= Greg – Telling Dad´s last blog ..Monday Mingle – November 9th =-.

    • 14

      WHat you don’t still listen to Kenny Loggins…we must have a lesson in what cool music is! And yes we are totally going to rock it, best blogger duet EVER (well considering we may be the first that may not be hard to accomplish) but still we will remain best ever

  8. 15

    Oh MY goodness girl! You’re such a dorky dork………… like your long lost soul sista! 🙂

    You’re like a little rubberband bouncing back and forth! lol
    .-= Sara@My Sippy Cup Runneth Over´s last blog ..Is Las Vegas REALLY Kid Friendly? =-.

  9. 16

    GO TONI!
    i like the way the video looks kinda funky color like a video. Cool. How did YOU do that?
    I’m doing the Friday vlog thing. YEAH!
    Thanks for doing this!
