
Gulf Coast Happenings: Sugarland Headed to Pensacola, Florida

Sugarland is taking to the road, starting July 19 and continuing on through September 8. Those of us who live on or are visiting Florida's Gulf Coast have a chance to see Sugarland live and in person. Sugarland, along with Frankie Ballard and Lindsay Ell will be hitting the Pensacola Bay Center on July 26 for a night of musical fun. Nettles and Bush are super excited to be hitting the road to Read More »»

The Tatum Takeover on Lip Sync Battle Was EPIC

So, when you think Channing Tatum and his wife Jenna Dewan-Tatum, you think fun, right? Well, correct you are! After last night's episode of Lip Sync Battle you get to see just how fun they are...and hot! Everyone is talking about the Tatum Takeover with good reason. First up, we see Jenna take on Paula Abdul against Channing's "Let It Go" from none other than their daughters favorite movie, Read More »»

Fergie Talks Motherhood, AMAs, Music, and More

Disclosure: Thanks to Disney for sponsoring most expenses during this fun-filled trip to Los Angeles. Thoughts are my own. During my whirlwind adventure in LA, one of the highlights of the trip was getting to sit down and talk with FERGIE! Yes, that in awesome solo artist and female lead of the Black Eyed Peas! You might have even caught me doing a dance or two on youtube to some of Read More »»

Something to Smile About, Thanks to Cricket Wireless! Pitbull and Enrique Iglesias Tour

I participated in Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central forCricket Wireless. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating. I recently went to a concert with my daughter and it was a night full of memories.  Music, smiles, and a great time were had by all. In fact, every concert I have ever been too has resulted in memories galore.  Thanks to Cricket Wireless, people are Read More »»

All American BBQ-Bacon Cheeseburger Recipe #KraftFoodsCheeseburger #BradPaisley #ad

Summer is here, which means for a lot of us, we bring out the grill. One of our favorite foods to eat during the summer months is a plump, juicy cheeseburger! You don't need to be all fancy and add a ton of ingredients, in fact I prefer simple and tasty. When I was asked to create one of Kraft’s Great American Cheeseburger Recipes, I knew immediately the one I was going to choose...The Read More »»

Disney’s FROZEN “Let It Go” A Worldwide Favorite #DisneyFrozen

Each time I've seen Disney's FROZEN, I have enjoyed it just as much, actually much more, than the time before. This movie is one that will be with generations to come, at least in my family. The worldwide phenomenon has music and songs that will get you belting out the words at the top of your lungs. Come on, you know you do it too! All of the songs are my favorite in the movie...yes all of Read More »»