Don’t rejoice when your enemies fall; don’t be happy when they stumble. For the Lord will be displeased with you and will turn his anger away from them. Provers 24: 17-18 Our heart attitude can be entirely different from the attitude we portray on the outside. I know, I am speaking from my own past experiences and having a not so great heart attitude because I let my hurt run my heart. But my Read More »»
This Is How I Fight My Battles
I have a post coming, soon, sharing my word(s) of the year. I've been mulling over what I wanted to write as my first blog post for 2023 and I thought my word of the year post would be the one to start off the year, but I just felt like it wasn't quite right. Not that it is a bad post to start with, I mean it does fit with my self-growth for the year, but I just had a little nagging feeling there Read More »»
What 2022 Has Taught Me
2022 has been one of those years where I have learned so much more than I imagined, and since I am trying to get back into blogging and sharing my life (and thoughts) with you...I thought this would be a great post to have as 2022 is drawing to a close. What 2022 has taught me... DO IT AFRAID! Whatever it is you want to do, that dream you want to pursue, even if you have to do it afraid! Read More »»
Throwing Our Hands Up in Surrender So God Can Move
Do you ever have days, weeks, months or even a year where things just don't go according to plan? Yeah, that about sums up my 2016. To be honest, I wanted to give up plenty of times this past year. 2016 was a doozy. My work slowed, we had hospitalizations, scary situations; the list could go on and on. It seemed it was the year of "Let's see how much Toni can take before she crumbles." Most of Read More »»
Do Not Be Afraid!
Fear, it’s a crippling emotion. You know the feeling when you are going through something or facing a situation that causes that anxious feeling to creep in. The one where your heart races or your tummy starts doing flip flops the minute you think of whatever the situation is. It’s so easy to let our emotions and fears take over, but did you know that the phrase “Do not be afraid" is the motto Read More »»