
Murphy USA: A Company Who Understands Moving Forward

Currently with 1060 stores and looking to have a many more added to that next ten years, Murphy USA is a company who gets the importance of social media. Recently I had the amazing opportunity to meet with Murphy USA alongside Collective Bias.  I was absolutely amazed at this companies desire to get involved in the social media world. Today more and more companies are jumping into social media. Read More »»

Social Media: It’s Not Just a Fad

I saw this video by SocialNomics09 on YouTube and I just had to share. So many companies still just don't get the importance of Social Media today (a much longer post on my thoughts on this will be coming). I thought this video showed some important things companies really need to understand. I really think some of them think it's just a fad. It's not just about a free trip out to your Read More »»

California, Here I Come!

A few weeks ago I was contacted and asked if I would like to attend a 2 day event working with Nestle Family. More and more companies are bringing bloggers (both men and women) out to their headquarters to give insight into their company. They want to get our insight and concerns and to me that speaks volumes of companies. When a company wants to have the opinions of your everyday people that, in Read More »»

Table Talk Event: Day 1 Run Down, MIngling and Cruising

I just returned for a trip to meet with the wonderful company, General Mills, at an event called Table Talk.  Table Talk was about 25 bloggers, getting to know the inside of General Mills, with everything from how quickly they get vegetable from field to can to having the once in a lifetime chance of cooking in the Betty Crocker Kitchens.  Now how many people can say they cooked in the Betty Read More »»