Dear Parents, I consider it an honor that you trust me with your child (or children). I love to teach them; I treat them like I treat my child. If I am honest, I am much harder on my child than I am yours. I want each child to excel when they are on my team. I want them to reach the highest of their potential. I want them to be the best cheerleader (football player, soccer player, baseball Read More »»
Potty Training Must Haves + What Is The Right Time to Potty Train?
For me as long as they are not school aged (now this does not apply if there are any mental or physical setbacks that prevent them from potty training) I say there is no "right" time. It annoys me to no end when the parent that had their child potty trained at eighteen months looks down on you because your child is not potty trained at the same age. My little girl will be 3 in June, and while Read More »»
Happy Monday! What Are Your Weekly Goals?
Life seems like it is so much more hectic lately. I feel like I am being pulled in so many different direction and some of the areas I want to focus most on are getting the least amount of focus. So, I thought why not share my weekly goals with my readers. Maybe I can even make it back here and cross them off as I accomplish them! I would, also, love for you to share your weekly goals in the Read More »»
Keep Them Learning This Summer With Brain Chase #BrainChase #ad
Summer is in full swing for almost everyone and for those who are not quite done yet, it's just around the corner. However, just because school is out, doesn't mean I want to stop my kids from learning. We want to avoid summer brain drain at all costs, but that can be tough with kids who just got out of school. They don't want to jump into boring lessons, but I want them to keep learning so we can Read More »»
CoolSculpting Treatment: Insider Tips {Guest Post} #sp
**Note from Toni. I am happy to share this information on CoolSculpting that was provided to me, for this partnered guest post. I have not yet had the procedure but it is something I have been looking into, so when approached to share information on the procedure I was happy to, as it is something I am researching for myself. I hope if you are researching CoolSculpting, this article, will be Read More »»
Tailgating Must Haves For This Football Season #SamsClubTailgating #sp
Today’s post is sponsored by Sam’s Club, but my love for their tailgating and football season is all my own! We are huge on football in our house. Whether we are headed to a local high school game or watching our favorite teams on TV, there is just something about rooting on the team you love that is so exciting. One of my favorite parts of football season is the tailgating! Whether you are Read More »»