
Day 16: Let's Talk Crazy

30 days about me Today is Day 16 and it’s Crazy Talk. Today we are sharing who we do crazy stuff with and/or some of the craziest things we have done.

First person that comes to mind is my mom, I mean she and I have jumped off a bridge together and that probably ranks up there as one of the craziest things I have ever done. Bridge jumping who in their right mind does that!?

I do remember one time I was particularly immature and this was kinda crazy in an immature way. You see during homecoming week at my school we had a city curfew to keep us crazy kids out of trouble.

One night 3 of my friends and I all put on “costumes” and out we went with our bag of loot. It included baked beans, syrup, toilet paper, shampoo and conditioner. Yes yes what a wonderful bag of loot it was. We were headed to get the cars of the people we knew. Now that wasn’t the craziest part, the crazy part was our outfits, oh the outfits! I shouldn’t share but because I giggle at just the description I figure it will give you a giggle or at least a good eye roll. I shall save me for last because, well it’s quite shameful now that I think about it.

First you have friend A, she kept it simple with her daily clothes, shorts and a t-shirt. Nothing to inconspicuous. She looked like the normal one so she carried the bag o’ loot. Of course with the rest of us walking next to her you knew something was going on.

Friend B was a pretty busty girl, I mean like triple D size, so she threw on the grim reaper costume we had for halloween. I thought they were usually just bones. A busty grim reaper who knew, LOL.

Friend C was a tiny little thing, a fellow ballet dancer, she was teensy. So she grabbed one of friend b’s bras and stuffed it to kingdom come and put on a shirt. Obviously some plastic surgeon went way overboard someone would have thought. They probably looked like a size M on her little body. By this point we were in hysterics.

Now for me. I looked normal as we walked out the door, well as normal as one can with eyeliner “country girl” freckles added to my face. Pig tail braids of course. As we set out, I grabbed my brand new undies (red and white plaid with cute little white boys I might add) from the loot bag and put them over my head with a braid through each leg hole. Then proceeded to “lace” tampons through the braid, like took them out of the applicator and tied the string part into the braid. So here I am with underwear, pigtail braids through the leg holes and tampons dangling. WHERE IN THE WORLD DID I COME UP WITH THIS?!

I am sure we were a sight to see if anyone peered out. We ran around and pulled our pranks then headed back to the house. As we were about 5 houses away here comes a police car around the corner. He shines his bright light on us, at which point I am sure he spewed coffee all over his car had he had any. Walks out in as serious a mode as he can and says “It’s past curfew what are you girls doing out” “Just coming back from a friends house” “What’s in the bag“…he looks. Sees our goodies. “Y’all are gonna have to get in and let me drive you home, y’all aren’t supposed to be out this late“. “My house is just a few away we can walk”

Not sure if he didn’t believe us but he made us get into the back of the car. Could you imagine seeing the 4 of us in the back of a police car dressed the way we were!? The nice policeman took us home, went in talked (while trying not to laugh) to my mom and went on his merry way. I will never forget that day, not necessarily because we did anything any super crazy but because of how we looked. Tampons in the hair…oh geez!

I did some crazy things with my best friends in high school and on my senior class trip but those things shall remain in the vault LOL. Now it’s your turn if you are a blogger link up your Day 16 post below and if you aren’t share who you do the craziest things with or the most crazy thing you have done in the comments.

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Loved your story… made me laugh! And, jumping off a bridge IS crazy, btw. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 2

      Yes yes, my mom is obviously crazy too, wonder where I got it from ๐Ÿ™‚ At least I had the argument I was a silly teen LOL>

  2. 3

    Speaking of spewing coffee, I almost just did at the thought of you putting tampons in your hair! Hahaha! Oh my word.

  3. 5

    And here I thought the honors students stealing the couch and hiding it across the hall was funny….

  4. 7

    I was hysterical at the underpants and tampons in hair bit – hilarious!!

  5. 9

    How is it best friends can get us to do things we would never consider doing any other time?

  6. 11

    I would be way too scared to ever jump off a bridge! And I would have loved to have seen you and your friends…too funny!

  7. 13

    โ€ข Day 16-What is the Most Crazy Thing Youโ€™veย Done? I had to give away 1000 books. Ugh.
