It's Wednesday, so that means it's Wordless Wednesday time. Thought I would share a picture of one of the places I love most. Living here in Florida has its perks. Happy Wednesday! Read More »»
30 Things About Me, That I Want My Kids To Know #30ThingsChallenge
After seeing Lynsey mention the cute idea she saw here, which originated on Baby Making Machine, I decided what a fun thing to do on the blog! So, I am going to start the journey of 30 things about me, that my kids should know. Each post I finish will be linked up on this post and if you participate, feel free to leave your links in the comments, of each new post, so I can come on over and visit. Read More »»
Wordless (or not) Wednesday: Sisters
My younger sisters and I at a wedding this past weekend. We were laughing that we all wore green/teal tones, totally unplanned. Aren't they beautiful! Good looks obviously run in our family :) Read More »»
Thursday Giveaway Link Up, Share Your Giveaways!
Happy Thursday. It's time to list those current giveaways you have going on. Please use the following format when linking up your giveaways.... Line 1: Giveaway, End Date (use * to note if adult in nature) Line 2: Url to the giveaway NOT main url *Please note failure to follow instructions will end in entry being deleted.** Before adding your giveaway be sure to check out these current Read More »»
Wordless Wednesday: ARRRRGGGHHHH
I haven't done Wordless Wednesday in awhile so I figured I'd share today but we all know I can't really be wordless right. Recently I went on a trip to my local Destin area and attended a pirate cruise, you can read about it here. Most of the ladies who went decided to dress up. I went as Captain Hook. The best part of the night was the little kids as we walked over to the ship who wanted to Read More »»
Wordless Wednesday: Spring Soccer
Wow, it's been a long time since I participated in WW. I figured what better way than to show a very rare photo, one of my oldest. I can never get him to let me take a picture so when he is out on the field I have to snap away. The spring season has begun, who else has kids playing soccer this spring? Read More »»