
Fashion Tips From Kika Rocha & $500 Walmart Gift Card Giveaway #DivinaLatina #sp

I love fashion tips, thanks to Kika Rocha I am going to be prepared no matter what look I need. Right now, on, Kika is sharing how to achieve five different looks: Errands, Office, Day Party, Date Night, and Cocktail Party are the looks she shows us how to achieve. You can find out how to get fabulous looks for less and even receive a free Divina Latina sample. For the office look, Read More »»

Mother/Daughter Fun: Easy At Home Manicure With Palmolive {Giveaway} #PalmoliveWM #ad

One of my favorite things to do is make memories with my kids. Whether it's playing ball with my boys or doing all things girly with my daughter, it's the time spent together that means the world to me. Recently my daughter and I, along with my mom and sisters, had a night full of fun planned. We headed to New Orleans to spend the night and see 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction in concert. It Read More »»

Back To School With Healthy Essentials #Moms4JNJConsumer #ad #HealthyEssentials

She was ready to go, my daughter had her new outfits and the countdown to school started almost when the last school year ended. She is my one child who was looking forward to back to school, but all of them have a year full of school ahead. Back to school means kids (okay and parents) wanting to look and feel their best. Thanks to Johnson and Johnson Healthy Essentials that is easier than ever Read More »»

Skin Care Tips To Keep Your Skin Beautiful #CleanandClearWM #ad

When I was younger, I wish I had cared more about my skin. Now that I am in my mid 30's, I think back to all the things I should have done when I was a teen to care better for my skin. I didn't realize the importance of good skin care until I was in my 20s, so now, I make sure to stay on top of it and remind my kids all about caring for their skin while they are young! After all, how could I not Read More »»

Lip Smacker, A Tradition Through The Years

Growing up there was always something so, well, awesome about having a tube of Lip Smacker lip product.  I remember loving it through the years and still get nostalgic when I see it in stores.  What is really cool to me, is the timelessness of the brand.  Something I grew up loving (okay, and still love) my daughter, too, now loves.  Recently we were sent an entire collection of Lip Smacker Read More »»

Summer Skincare With Neutrogena! #Neutrogena #spon

That beautiful girl, is my daughter, she just celebrated her 9th birthday yesterday.  Even though she is young, I am teaching her (and my boys) how important it is to take care of our skin.  From the time we are born until the time we are no longer here on earth, our skin is the only skin we will have.  How we care for it (okay and some genetics) will determine what we look like or how well we Read More »»