It’s a question we all ask ourselves as bloggers, What is my Niche? Well to be honest, I don’t do a particular niche very well. I prefer to encompass lots of niches. I often get referred to as a “mommy blogger” and well if you want to call me that because I am a mom who blogs, then that’s fine. But here at my place you won’t find every post about parenting or my kids because I (Toni as in me, myself and I) am more than just a mom. I am a fashion forward, sale shopping, humor loving, entertainment talking, concert going, product reviewing, parenting tip giving, recipe sharing, blogging mom of 3. So exactly what niche does that put me under considering all those and more takes place here on A Daily Dose of Toni? Well watch the vlog below to here my thoughts on what exactly I am:
So you see frankly put I am not a mommy blogger, fashion blogger, frugal blogger, review blogger, giveaway blogger, social media consultant, tech blogger, food blogger. I AM ALL OF THEM, why because I don’t want to limit myself. If I want to share a food product I love then turn around and talk about my iPhone well dangit I am going to do that.
It’s okay to not limit yourself to one particular niche, just the same as it is okay to have your blog focus on one particular niche. It’s not right or wrong, but I know so many out there like me who have so much to share of all the facets in blogging (frugality, fashion, food, parenting, etc). They feel like they have to commit themselves to one of those and that has to be what their blog must center around. Well I am here to say you don’t have to make your blog about one niche and strictly follow that area.
I think it’s great there are blogs who are all about food, or all about frugality, or all about fashion because when I want to read only about those things I know where to go. BUT I also love those like me who choose to not niche themselves into one category, but rather are life bloggers. Those that share everything that is their life. Those that say you know what I am going to talk about my favorite family activities today but tomorrow I want to share a random vlog on celebrity going ons.
So whether you are new or not to the blogosphere, if you pick and niche and that’s all your blog is about ,that’s great. But if you are like me and want to share everything and not just one “main” subject (granted on niched blogs they usually do talk about other things outside of their niche just not as often as what their blog centers around) that’s okay to. You blog because you want to, so make it what you want it to be. That’s what will truly bring you happiness and get you noticed. If you aren’t happy blogging it will be able to be seen in your posts. So do what makes you happy and if that means being “un” niched then so be it.
My new phrase for today “I am a Niche of ALL Trades” Why? Because it encompasses everything and that’s what I want to do…so there. So do you prefer to Niche or not niche? Either way it’s okay if it makes you happy. Go ahead and share your niche or un-nicheness in the comments below, I would love to hear your thoughts. Do you see benefits more to a niche or un-niched blog? Why?
Toni Patton
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I’m not a niche blogger either. LOL I write about pretty much anything and everything. I wrote an entry on my design blog about the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of marketing with bloggers a few weeks back and I touched on the upside and downside of niche blogging if you want to check out my thoughts in depth. 🙂
.-= Kat @ For the Love of Chaos´s last blog ..Random Thoughts Motivated by Sleep Deprivation =-.
I loved your post! I think there is definitely an upside to either niche or non niche.
I think that writing about who YOU are and just being yourself is a niche all it’s own–like a “My Life” niche LOL IDK it’s all so silly to have to have titles and crap–just do what you do best–you are awesome and we love reading your posts be them as random as they are they reflect who you are 🙂
True that Sista 🙂 I am definitely random LOL.
I am like you. And so I call myself a lifestyle blogger. I think that’s about as close as it gets for me.
.-= Molly´s last blog ..A Night of Fabulous Social Awkwardness =-.
so true? What is my niche? I think of myself as a lifestyle blogger who likes a little fashion, making food, spending time with my friends and family and celebrating the beautiful events and things within my city, Cleveland.
(Because I’m 20-something, I get lots of bra, fashion events in New York (I live in Cleveland) and sex toy pitches. So, that’s what they I am about.)
.-= Allison´s last blog ..what would sophia do? =-.
I love this. Thank you!! I dont’ think I have “one” niche either because in real life, i like to talk about lots of things. Thank goodness I am not alone in this because I was kinda getting worried. Great post!!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday ~ Food Network Celebrities =-.
Hey Toni! I definitely do not consider myself in a niche. I talk about everything(well almost). Pretty much whatever crosses my mind.
I think I have a NOTHING niche – I blog about nothing…which I guess puts me in the Life category and since I am a mom…then I am put automatically in that category. Whatever! I am just hoping people continue to read my NOTHING.