
Day 12: Something You Are Very Particular About

30 days about me Hello beautiful (and handsome) bloggers participating in the “30 Days About Me” series. Today we are learning your little secrets this should be fun. Today’s topic is “something you are particular about”.

Now I am a pretty easy going person and things don’t bother me, but there is something my husband makes fun of me about. One thing that annoys me more than anything as far as having to be “just so”. Hangers, like clothing hangers. In our home for me to not have a breakdown I have certain hangers for each child, they have to be a certain way, the clothes have to be hung in a certain order or I get upset over it. Now I don’t start crying or anything but I get annoyed like super annoyed.

Here’s a break down of how I like the hangers:

  • For my husband because he is always throwing a shirt on the hanger and facing it whichever way he likes he MUST have those clear turny hangers. So when I see a shirt facing the wrong way I don’t have to take it all the way off, just turn the hanger and voila. For his pants he has the pant hangers he can’t just drape them over a normal hanger. Nope, I can’t have it.
  • For me, I like the big white hangers, all shirts facing the same way in groups (tanks, tees, dressy, etc). Everything in my part has to be all the white hangers that match.
  • For my oldest, he has to have all dark blue or green hangers. Shirt organization is the same as mine, organized by group.
  • My middle gets tan and light blue hangers and shirts are organized by group.
  • My daughter gets the hangers like mine but in kid size, though she is the bane of my existence where this is concerned because she has so many clothes that have been given to her I have had to add green hangers and it is just no okay. Clothes are a blessing but they are working my nerves having this hanger obsession.

So that’s really all I can think of that I am really particular about, of course after I see some of y’alls I may think hmmmm I do that too LOL. So if you are a blogger link up your Day 12 post below and if you aren’t go ahead and share in the comments.

*I changed the title of this prompt after publishes because I didn’t like using OCD as I have not been diagnosed with it. I did not want to make light of something very real. But if there is something you have to do a certain way or not do at all that is what this post is about.

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    I’m not OCD about the hangers, but I did write about how I like the clothes to be divided by color. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. 2

    ROFL I do kids clothes the same way. Ryan: green, Brandon: Black, Emma: Purple, Elizabeth: white BUT I’m sleevless, short sleeved, long sleeved, ROYGBIV. That’s how mommy likes it.

  3. 3
    One of your Linkyers

    I have to say, this shall be interesting, seeing as I have to keep my diagnosis secret. How to write about it and keep it a secret is a challenge. Of course, I have other diagnoses, and seeing other prompts is making me wonder how much more of myself I will have to reveal over time. Respecting trust versus participating in a blogging activity….

    -Would rather remain anonymous

    • 4

      Please don’t feel the need to join in a prompt if you don’t feel comfortable. Just join in when you would like too ๐Ÿ™‚

      • 5

        This one I don’t mind as much, because even they discuss how particular I am about many things, and they compare me to Monk, or Sheldon off of Big Bang Theory. There are future topics I might avoid, though. That’s all I meant.

  4. 6

    My friend is exactly the same about her hangers! And her pegs… the colour of the peg has to match the colour of the washing she is hanging up on the line.

  5. 7

    How funny, I put my closet as my particular thing too. Glad to see I’m in good company ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. 8

    Interesting. All I’m gonna say, is this OCD thing is, “interesting”. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. 9

    Toni, I wonder if you can guess what I’m OCD about! ๐Ÿ™‚ lol

    To the anonymous linkyer above, I understand how this prompt can be hard if you’ve been diagnosed with OCD. My son, who is 9, had severe OCD when he was very young. It was emotionally draining and I cried on so many nights on how I could help him. Thankfully, we have a good grip on how to handle it now that he’s older, but I wish I knew who you were so I can give you a big hug. Like Toni said, if any prompt doesn’t make you feel comfortable you can totally skip it or maybe replace it with one you are comfortable with. *hugs*

  8. 10

    I use all white plastic hangers. I can’t stand the wire ones!

    Mom on Caffeine

  9. 11

    I color-coordinate my clothes in the closet. My husband laughs at me.

  10. 12

    Hangers! That is another one for me! There all have to be facing the same direction on the rod.

  11. 13

    I’m with you on the hangers! My closet is perfectly arranged with uniform hangers and all the clothes facing the same direction. I’m really the only one who uses hangers, though. My kids and hubby can’t be trusted to use them properly and I got sick of doing it for them, so they get drawers only, aside from a few nice items that they know they are NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. 14

    I just finished my post from this day and I popped over here to link up. I was glad to see you changed the name of this one… you will see my reasons over at my post.

    Hangers are important… any good homemaker knows that!

    • 15

      Yeah after I published I was like I don’t like using that term so loosely. I hadn’t thought anything about it until I read my post. I definitely hadn’t used it to be rude so I changed it ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. 16

    I spent so much time organizing my home – I’m very picky about my closets, too. Also – I hate writing on messy paper. Wow – I know I sound OCD here but, its something I’ve always been a bit off about! Haha!
