
Taking On The Manta At Sea World

I just returned from a two week adventure in the Orlando/Kissimme area. I am pretty well versed in the theme parks (Universal & Disney) but I had never in my life been to Sea World! Yes, this Florida girl, who has lived in Florida for all but 10 years of her 33 years, has NEVER been to Sea World. I know, I know I need to hang up my Florida hat, because what Floridian has not been to Sea World? Read More »»

A Glimpse Into What I’ve Been Up To!

I have been a bit MIA the last week, but with good reason. My husband and I had the belated honeymoon we never really got to have when we married. We just celebrated 10 years of marriage and took off for a week long vacation....ALONE. As in no kids, that happens very very rarely and when it does it is just for a night or a weekend. We had such a wonderful time and I will be sharing all my Read More »»

Happy 10th Anniversary My Love

My Dearest Brent, Today we celebrate ten years of marriage.   I could not have asked for a better man with whom I get to spend my life with.  We've made it through so much during our first ten years together that, I have no doubt, the rest of our lives will be a breeze.  When I prayed (years ago) for God to bring me the man who was the one he had planned for me I did not, in my wildest dreams, Read More »»

Marriage Matters: Money Talk

I sure do love that man of mine. I definitely hit the jackpot when I found him. We've been married almost 10 years and I love him more with each day. I hope you can say that about your spouse too. Today I want to talk about a subject that can make or break a! Money is something we all need individually or as a couple to survive. It's also one of the things in marriage that can Read More »»

Marriage Talk: 7 Easy Tips For A Happy Marriage

It's no secret that marriage is AWESOME, at least for me it is, I hope you can say the same.  While it awesome there are moments that may not be so awesome but the key is sticking it out and knowing a few tips to make your relationship stay strong.  Today I want to share some of my tried and true tips for having a happy and healthy marriage! COMMUNICATE!  If you can't communicate then things Read More »»

Because You Loved Me…9 Years And Going Strong

To say I am lucky doesn't do it justice. Yesterday I celebrated 9 years of marriage to a man who has loved me through the ups and downs and trust me when I say that hasn't always been fun for him. He has been the one to hold me up when I could't stand, the one to push me when I want to give up, the one to be reason when I am not being very reasonable, the one to love me unconditionally. I truly Read More »»