
Wordless (or not) Wednesday: Soccer Take 2

I showed my youngest son last week on the field so this week it’s big brother’s turn. This one has been playing soccer since he was 3. Do your kids play sports?

Link up your WW posts below so I can come over and check them out!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    My son doesn’t play sports yet (he’s 3) but when he starts next year I’m signing him up for soccer! Love it!

  2. 3

    Hope he has a great season!

  3. 4

    Soccer is awesome. All 3 of my kids have played soccer at some point. My son will be switchng to football next year though.

    Hope your son’s have great seasons!

    Happy WW!

  4. 5

    I hope he has a great season! That’s a great shot!

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    Not yet…I’m thinking we will next year!

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    My son played at four, but not since…

  7. 8

    My oldest son who is 14 has been playing since he was 6 (soccer). My youngest son has been playing sports since 4 and plays baseball.

  8. 9

    Great shot! I miss soccer!

  9. 10

    What fun!

  10. 11

    Great shot! I always wanted to play soccer when I was young, but ended up playing softball.

  11. 12

    Nice action shot! My girls are too little for sports yet, but we’re pretty sure our older daughter will be into soccer when she’s 4.

  12. 13
    Rebel Chick Jenn

    My daughter did play soccer and volleyball, but all of her friends left the teams and she didn’t want to play with the underclassmen!

  13. 14

    My girls don’t play sports yet! Sadly one of my daughters is clumsy like me, maybe they’ll like music as much as I do? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. 15

    Great action shot, and he looks so much like you!

  15. 16

    You know I have asked the girls if they want to play soccer and so far it’s a no. Just Volleyball and Basketball here.

  16. 17

    You have a handsome son! We’ve never done soccer. It’s always baseball
    Happy WW!

  17. 18

    Nice! My daughter is going to be playing indoor soccer for the first time in a couple of weeks, we’re excited!

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    Grand-daughter plays Volleyball.

  19. 20

    Soccer is such a great sport for kids! I wish we had teams around where my kids could play too. Our area is too small and rural for it I guess. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  20. 21

    Great action shot!

  21. 22

    Great picture. He looks a lot like you!

  22. 23

    We are signing our youngest up for basketball this year. Your son has some nice long legs, I bet he gets around the soccer field quickly!

  23. 24

    this is a great picture. Love soccer season.

  24. 25

    Thats a nice action shot! My oldest played wrestling last spring but they eliminated wrestling for jr. high this year so he isn’t doing any sports ๐Ÿ™

  25. 26

    Great shot!!! My son is just about four and doesn’t play sports yet. I can’t wait until he does!

  26. 27

    This is such a great shot!

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    I used to play soccer as a kid. My kids are not currently signed up for anything but they will be.

  28. 29

    We play as many sports as we can! I love watching the little ones on the field! It is the cutest thing! And they all try so hard! Its a favorite Saturday activity!
