
Thursday Thirteen 12/11/08

Thirteen “Kid” Cereals I am not ashamed to admit I love

1. Cocoa Puffs…yes I go cuckoo for them
2. Lucky Charms…they are so magically delicious
3. Fruity Pebbles…they are like heaven in my mouth.
4. Chocolaty Pebbles..I love the milk after the cereal is gone.
5. Cinnamon Life..It’s whole grain and taste great.
6. Kix…not just for kids.
7. Cookie who really doesn’t love little bite sized cookies in milk.
8. Fruit Loops…yum the fruity taste is just decadent.
9. Kellogg’s Pops…those sweetened corn pops are perfectly sinful.
10. Apple Jacks…sweet and satisfying.
11. Cinnamon Toast Crunch…OMG I could eat the whole box in one day!
12. Trix…Silly Rabbit Trix are for mommies.
13. Cap’n Crunch Crunch berries….the berries add just the right extra touch to this yummy cereal.

So what Kid cereals are you going to admit you love?

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Frosted Flakes!

  2. 2

    I have ONE and it is Fruity Pebbles!! 🙂 Other than that, I am a Cheerios gal!

  3. 3

    Who doesn’t love kids cereal? Although if we buy it, it disappears within three days! Very cool TT.

  4. 4

    Cinnamon Toast Crunch FTW!!

  5. 5

    Froot Loops are my Fav!!

  6. 6

    peanut butter Cap’n Crunch. Straight out of the box!

  7. 7

    Hmmm. I'm actually not crazy about most kids' cereal — I like the ones they hate, like 100% Natural & granola-ish cereals.

    I like golden grahams, though!

  8. 8

    Your list covered most of them! I lov eme some Apple Jacks!

  9. 9

    Fruit Loops, Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Golden Grahams, Kix, Chex Rice…. Rice Krispies….Alphabet..although I think they changed their formula and they don’t taste like they used to.

  10. 10

    Frosted Flakes & Lucky Charms!!!

  11. 11

    I have to say I loooove Count Chocula!!! Yum

  12. 12

    Mmmmm …. Fruit Loops!

  13. 13

    I LOVE Fruity Pebbles and Capt Crunch Berries! My kid loves Total. Go figure.

  14. 14

    I don’t like any cereals other than “kid” cereals!

    Apple Jacks, Cap’n Crunch, Lucky Charms, Cookie Cirsp… pretty much the same ones you’ve listed!

  15. 15

    Lucky Charms rock. I will NEVER out grow them!

  16. 16

    I love my Lucky Charms, although Kellogg’s Pops and Apple Jacks and Trix and….

    Don’t have them in the house much mostly because I’m too cheap. But it’s been a while. Maybe it’s time for some Crunch Berries.

  17. 17

    Apple Jacks, Frosted Flakes, and PB Captain Crunch!

  18. 18

    We have a love for Captain Crunch in our house. I personally also subscribe to the anything chocolate breakfast food. I think it should be a food group. Cheerios are also our norm.
    Great list.

  19. 19

    OMG!! I love all those cereals too. I also love Count Chocula!! All that sugary goodness!!

  20. 20

    How fun, I did my own as well. My fav cereal golden Grahams.

  21. 21

    Great list, I need to remember to do mine next week.
