
Memorial Day Weekend Memories #99SummerDays #HebrewNational

Memorial Day weekend was a fun filled weekend. I got to spend with family and friends. It was a time for us to give thanks to my grandfather and all the other men and women who have served our country. Our Memorial Day weekend was filled to the brim with food, fun, family, friends, sun, and water. Every year it's the same tradition for us, but we never tire of it. I'll give you a hint: Give up? Read More »»

Happy Memorial Day: Thank You To Our Troops

Here at A Daily Dose my family and I want to thank with all our hearts the men and women who have served and who are serving this country.  Those who gave their lives.  Those who risk their lives.  Those who fight for this country.  Those who made the choice to serve so that our country could be free.  Thank you doesn't seem like enough but for now I will say it and hope that those who Read More »»

Happy Memorial Day.

To those who fight or have fought for our country Thank you! Thank you for the sacrifices you make so that we can be the wonderful country that we are. I am truly proud to be an american! Although no sculptured marble should rise to their memory, nor engraved stone bear record of their deeds, yet will their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored. ~Daniel WebsterFor love of country Read More »»

Quotable Sunday 5/24/09

Happy Sunday quoters! I hope you all have a wonderful day today. Memorial Day is of course Monday and it's a day to pay respects to those who are fighting and have fought for our country. It's one of the bravest things a person can do and I am proud to say I am part of this country who is helping to fight for us as well as fighting for other countries too. So my quotes today are surrounding Read More »»