
Speak, Cook, And Dance Like A True Lad or Lass #BraveCarsLandEvent

In just a few short days, 6 to be exact, I will be headed to California and getting out of this rainy weather we are having here in "sunny" Florida. As if that isn't enough I mentioned, I will be headed to screen 3 movies, attend a red carpet premiere, do some celeb interviews, check out the new Cars Land and all around just have a grand time. The movie myself, along with the other bloggers Read More »»

The Perfect Sweet Tea

It's spring time here in Florida, though to be honest we kind of went straight from spring to spring.  Our fall/winter wasn't much of a season this year.  No matter, I love spring and summer!  Aside from the jump in electricity bill spring/summer are my favorite seasons.  I was raised in the south, near a beach where I spent 90% of my time (outside of school/work)  at.   This season is time for Read More »»

Think Outside Of The Can With Chef Boyardee

When I was growing up I remember loving Chef Boyardee, it wasn't something I ate every night but I remember thinking it was such a treat when I did eat it. One of the things I loved then (and now) about Chef Boyardee was that you had a meal in an instant, just add a side and you were good to go. Read More »»