
PicMonkey Saves The Day

I seriously just breathed a huge sigh of contentment.  If you recall about a month (or a little over) ago Picnik announced it was closing it’s doors, no more picnik!!!  WAIT WHAT!!!  I know I am not the only blogger who had a moment of hyperventilating when realizing one of my most used photo editing tools was closings.  I am not a photographer and I know Picnik was not meant for those serious in photography.  It did come in very handy for me when I wanted to edit, watermark or just have fun with a photo and I can’t for the life of me learn photoshop elements, trust me I’ve tried.  I will keep trying but I wanted my Picnik and I wanted it to stay.  What is a blogger to do?

Be still my heart, today I came across PicMonkey and almost cried tears of sheer joy.  Could it really be, something similar to Picknik.  I ventured in to test it out and was very pleasantly surprised at the features which include:

  • Basic edits (Crop, Rotate, Exposure, Colors, Sharpen, Resize as well as an auto adjust)
  • Effects (basic edits, camera look, paintbox, area, and artsy with each having several sub categories to choose from to make your picture look the way you want it to)
  • Touch Up (skin, mouth, eyes, and the rest, so you can have flawless hair, teeth, skin and whatever your little heart desires)
  • Text (while it doesn’t have as many choices as Picnik did it has many to choose from and a few ones I didn’t see there)
  • Overlays (or stickers as Picnik would call them)
  • Borders (otherwise known as frames)

The only big thing I noticed they didn’t have yet (I say yet because I see them going big and expanding to more photo fun) are the collages.  I think PicMonkey is going to be the replacement for Picnik and have high hopes for it.  I’ve been playing around on it today and it is very easy to use.  See the very simple project I finished (all I did was add text and a fram for this one):

I have to say I am thrilled that PicMonkey has made an appearance and will definitely be using it.  It also looks like they have “premium features” so I will be trying those out soon.   I beg of you PicMonkey don’t do us wrong and leave us hanging.  I have high hopes for our future together!

Have you tried PicMonkey yet?

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    than you thank you thank you!!! I needed a new program. You saved me!

  2. 2

    Thank you for sharing this Toni. I was looking for a replacement for Picnik.

  3. 3

    Yay! Sounds like it will be a great replacement for Picnik!

  4. 4

    i saw a lot of talk on facebook about it earlier today or perhaps it was yesterday and I went over to test it out. I liked it too

  5. 5

    I was so excited to discover this today too! I was hoping that there was something REALLY similar to Picnik, and this just might be it.

    I’m with you – I can’t grasp Photoshop for the life of me. I need something quick and just the basics.

  6. 6

    Looks great! Really hope they bring in collages before picnik goes away!

  7. 7

    Heard great things about it but haven’t had a second to try yet!

  8. 8

    Can’t wait to try it!!

  9. 9

    I haven’t tried it yet, thanks for the heads up.

  10. 10

    So happy to know that I’m the only blogger who almost cried when Picnik announced that it was going away. For a moment I felt like writing a letter to Google but didnt know if they would had listened?

  11. 11

    This sounds so cool!

  12. 12

    Loving picmonkey. Can’t wait til they get the collage feature!!

  13. 13

    Looks awesome. I’m holding out til the very last day with Picnik since I really hate change.

  14. 14

    I’ve used it a couple times, and it will be my solution when Picnik pulls the plug for good. But I’m using Picnik up until the very last day.

  15. 15

    I need to check them out.

  16. 16

    gotta check it out. Picnic can’t leave!!
