
NEVER Send Me This…*Ahem, PR People*

The Following is an actual excerpt from my contact form email.  Meaning someone contacted me through my contact form to pitch me this:

Hi, my name is (being nice and not putting the name here) . I’m the publisher for (being nice again) and (I really should tell who it is). Through our network of online publishing platforms, we service thousands of parents online every day. I visited your blog,and I was quite impressed with what you’re doing. From what I read, I think there may be some good synergy between us. Please let me know if you’re interested in discussing how we may help each other achieve our goals. (Name & Company here) p.s. Just to let you know, this is not a solicitation for advertising. We don’t have any ads our websites. We’re interested in developing a mutually-beneficial partnership and reaching out to like-minded leaders in the parenting field.

Anyone notice what is wrong with the above letter to me (Toni) sent through my contact form on my blog JUSTSTOPSCREAMING.COM ?

Now no harm meant to the above mentioned blog which I think is great BTW (I love me some Dana LOL) but that is not my blog Miss Unnamed lady from unnamed company.  If you are going to copy and paste at least make sure you edit it.  I sat back and pondered what to respond yesterday and decided to respond  with a simple “If you had gotten my blog name correct then I might have considered working with you but since you didn’t even take the time to change it to the correct blog name I don’t have time”. Okay so I thought about sending that but I didn’t.

It’s still in my inbox soon to be filed in the label “Stupid mistakes pr people make” not to be confused with “Pr people who don’t care to know me just want free linkage” file.  Please if you are going to contact me at least make the effort to get my blog name right.

I know I am not the only one who has had to deal with stupid mistakes like that.  I want you to share in the comment area some stupid mistakes PR people have made with you.  I know you all have them so get to sharing.  I need some giggles!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    sheesh. I got one addressed to “insert name of blog here”. True story.



  2. 2

    Hmmm I got that SAME email! But they got my blog name correct and said Hi Jennifer.

    I like even if its a cut and paste to say my name in the beginning and sign with your own.Nothing makes me hit delete faster then signed blog name or company name or worse “customer service”

  3. 3

    Oh geez. Yes I notcied that was not your blog address.


  4. 4

    I get those too! It’s always “I love your blog!” nothing specific.

    I would love for you stop by my BLog For A Cure Blog Party going on right now.. I’m giving away 20+ prizes this week and trying to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!

  5. 5

    I got a similar email from my Cakeblast form. I didn’t respond either, although partially because I disagreed with their websites basic parenting philosophy. Here is what they sent..

    “Hi, my name is (I’ll keep her name out of it). I’m the publisher for (again) and (again). Through our network of online publishing platforms, we service thousands of parents online every day.

    I visited your website (or blog), and I was quite impressed with what you’re doing. From what I read, I think there may be some good synergy between us.

    Please let me know if you’re interested in discussing how we may help each other achieve our goals.”

    Editor & Publisher

    p.s. Just to let you know, this is not a solicitation for advertising. We don’t have any ads our websites. We’re interested in developing a mutually-beneficial partnership and reaching out to like-minded leaders in the parenting field.

  6. 6

    My personal favorite was when I was contacted by an optical company to do a paid post about how great their frames are. Only problem? As I state in my “Who are the Snyder 5” section, my husband is an optometrist and OWNS HIS OWN CLINIC!

    Come on already, people.

  7. 7

    That is just wrong!

  8. 8

    I frequently get them from people trying to pitch debt consolidation businesses and credit cards. My blog is clear in the fact that we hate credit cards, we are trying to get out of debt, and I only promote honest-to-goodness paying back what you owe and living meagerly to do it.

    I have told these PR people that our concepts of how to properly get out of debt are different and they suggest other means that I don’t agree with.

    I also received one that was so poorly written that I felt the need to respond with, “I prefer to use posts by people who use proper English and spelling.” I couldn’t resist. True story.

  9. 9

    I’ve had my share. Most recent, someone addressed me “Dear XXX” Really? My freakin’ name is XXX? WTF? lol

  10. 10

    I worked with a PR firm and did a review for them. A couple weeks later I got another solicitation from the same PR Company but from a different person within the firm. She wanted me to do the exact same review for free whereas the other person had compensated me. I wouldn’t have done it for the second person anyway, even if she had contacted me first…I already have a policy that I do nothing for free! I either need to review a product or I need cold, hard, cash (plus I must be initially impressed with the product or service they offer)! I have other things to do besides giving every company who feels like it, a free linky! 🙂

  11. 11

    I’ve had so many funny emails – like I’m frugal, uh ask my husband – it ain’t so. I’m a food blogger – uh not unless skittles are gourmet. The ones that bug me the most are the baby stuff because if anyone actually even read my bio they’d know I don’t have babies anymore, don’t want anymore babies, and have zero interest in blogging about babies lol

  12. 12

    I got the same pitch.. correct link but addressed to “Dear…” they left it blank. Gotta love that extra effort don’t ya? I would have loved to have been in the room when this “firm” pitched the client. “Yes we can get your brand FREE links on thousands of blogs. Because we know these blog folks are stupid enough to buy this crud. Plus we’ll make sure mention we don’t pay for anything. They will all happily swallow the idea of a “mutually-beneficial partnership” because they are big ole stoopid heads and not real writers anyway.” *insert maniacal cackling here*
