
What I’ve Been Saying On Twitter, Testing The New Shortcode Function On WordPress

Because I am a nerd and had to test out the new embed shortcode option using tweet url’s you are getting to see some of my tweets from the past few days.  I love that if you want to show a tweet you don’t have to screenshot and then upload it as media.  You simply grab the tweet url, add it right in your visual editor and voila you can see the tweets.  See:

Isn’t that cool!  Just grab the url, add it, and watch WordPress work it’s magic!  I may now decide to host a weekly favorite tweet post here because I love this so much.  Not to mention readers can follow, retweet, favorite and reply by clicking the tweet right in the post.  It will open up a new little page and voila, do your thing.  I think this will be great for giveaway tweets or even adding a custom tweet to each post!    If you want to activate this on your wordpress (for tweets, other services are already activated) head to settings, media, and make sure auto-embeds is checked, then start adding urls and bibbity bobbity boo your tweet, video, or other certain services can be added by simply adding the url.  Pretty cool!

Did you know you could already do this with youtube videos and such…because I didn’t LOL.  Have you upgraded to the newest version of WP yet?  What do you think of the shortcode feature?

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    I didn’t even realize you could do this! Thanks so much for pointing it out Toni!

  2. 2

    Very cool! I wish Blogger had features like this. You can also grab the embed code from the tweet itself, but this sounds easier.

    • 3

      See I didn’t know that either LOL. I do love just being able to stay in visual editor for this and not having to switch views to html. I hope blogger gets this feature for you soon!!

      • 4

        Yeah being able to do it all in one spot is awesome. And Blogger will never get cool features, but I am too stubborn to move. Yet. 🙂

  3. 5

    Love this feature – so many possibilities. Thank you for sharing!

  4. 6

    So cool. I haven’t updated yet, will be doing so today!

  5. 7

    How cool?!

    I love little tricks like this… thank you for sharing !

  6. 8

    That’s cool! I can’t wait to try this out. You said it can be done with youtube videos too? So we don’t have to embed the code? Just copy the URL? I’m intrigued.

    • 9

      YES just the little url and add it to the post in visual. i haven’t tried it yet but that’s my understanding. If it works for the tweets then I bet it does for youtube:)

  7. 10

    I went into my settings and checked embed media code. Can you explain how to do it? I tried but it didn’t work. Think I’m doing something wrong.

  8. 11

    Yeah we need a video tutorial Toni because I have never been able to get the YouTube to work either LOL

  9. 13

    what?! I had NO idea!!! Updating the WP version won’t ruin our theme layout or anything will it?!

  10. 14

    Ooo – that’s a fun feature!

  11. 15

    I learn something new everyday! This will sure save me time in future posts!

  12. 16

    I must upgrade! This is awesome!

  13. 17

    I need to upgrade. That looks so cool.

  14. 18

    I guess I need to do the update. Thanks for sharing about this cool feature.

  15. 19

    Very cool! I use Blog Engine. But if I could ever hold my hubby down long enough, he could probably code it on my blog.

  16. 20
    Canadian Mom Blogger

    That’s so cool! I updated but I haven’t tried it yet.

  17. 21

    How cool!

  18. 22

    Love everything that WordPress can do!

  19. 23

    Thanks Toni. I think a video would help everyone. BTW, Can you tell me how to get my pic to show up when I comment? I can’t get it to show up on my blog either when I comment? I followed the directions someone gave me and uploaded pic into my profile but didn’t work. Does it have to be a certain size? Sorry I got off the subject. Thanks guys

  20. 24

    Wow, I’m going to have give this a try 🙂

  21. 25
    MomStart (Ashley)

    Oh wow! This is such a cool feature! Look for tweet filled posts for awhile! =)

  22. 26

    Very cool, if I had all the plugins I wanted I would have hundreds. I wish it wasn’t so bad to have a ton. Very cool plugin.

    • 27

      Oh not a plugin which makes it even better. It’s part of the update. No plugin required!!

  23. 28

    I got my pic to show with the gravatar but not working on my site when I comment. Anyway, thanks for pointing out this feature on wp.

    • 29

      Sorry just now having a chance to respond to some comments LOL. So glad you got it figured out 🙂

  24. 30

    add it to a visual editor where is that? I’m sorry I’m confused but this sounds sooo exciting

    • 31

      You know your post you can either stay in the visual editor or switch to html when writing posts? That’s what I am talking about 🙂

  25. 32

    Thanks for the note TOni. I understand now. I’ll have to try that out. Thanks

  26. 33

    I didn’t know this! Thanks for sharing!
