
Bring On The Dirt…Wet Ones For The Win!! #Sponsored #MC

I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Wet Ones. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating Those single packets of Wet Ones are one of my life savers this time of year.  With soccer season (and cheer) in full swing and growing kids who think they are going to waste away the minute they get off the Read More »»

Back To School With Wet Ones

I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Wet Ones. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating We've been in school just a few weeks and already life is busy. While I admit to looking forward to back to school, my kids are not such big fans. Sure they get excited about seeing their friends again and Read More »»

Avoiding Spring Sickies With Wet Ones {Spon}

I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Wet Ones. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating. Spring is in full swing on the Florida gulf coast and while the weather has been lovely, the germs going around my kids school...not so much. This spring norovirus has been running around the schools here and Read More »»

Take Steps Toward Flu Prevention With Wet Ones

This year the flu has been more widespread than I have seen it in quite sometime. During cold and flu season it's prime germ time. As a parent I want to make sure I am doing everything I can to keep my kids germ (and flu) free. Here are a few tips to remember for preventing the flu (or other colds): Practice Good Hygiene for at Least a Week After a Cold. Cold viruses can be found in nasal Read More »»

Stay Healthy And Share Your Sticky Situations With Wet Ones

We have definitely had some sticky situations in life, but thanks to Wet Ones cleaning up is usually a breeze. Whether it's my kids creating a concoction in the kitchen or playing outside for hours they have definitely gotten themselves into some "sticky" situations.  It's not just the kids that get into sticky situations, though.  Even, yours truly here can get into some really sticky Read More »»

Wet Ones Keep Us Clean & Germ Free {Health}

I am excited to announce, I am a Wet Ones ambassador! Wet Ones help keep my family clean and germ free. It's not surprise having two boys and a girl who like to keep up with her big brothers, my life can be a bit (AKA A LOT) messy. Not to mention having school aged kids, going grocery shopping, and pretty much going anywhere outside my home, we are encountering germs on a daily basis. Messes and Read More »»