
Off To College: You Only Have Them For a Little While

When you become a parent it seems like time is going to creep by as you wait for your child to hit those milestones like making their first sound, taking their first steps, and speaking their first words. I never truly understood "it goes by in the blink of an eye" until very recently. Don't get me wrong, I knew time was flying when my son graduated high school and it seemed like it was just two Read More »»

First College Semester Is In The Books

Thursday was my last final for my first semester at college and I can't even begin to describe the huge sigh of relief I gave as I walked out of the classroom. This semester has been a bit (okay more than a bit, try huge) of an adjustment. Trying to balance home life, kids sports, coaching cheer, blog life and college felt like I was teetering on a very shaky see-saw hanging over the side of a Read More »»

When Life (and College) Takes Over

Hello, my name is Toni. You may remember me as the blogger who was here posting almost every day (sometimes multiple times a day), but you may have noticed I have seemed to have gone missing. I am still here, but not as much as I used to be. You see I started college this year, for the first time, and between classes, homework, parenting, cheer coaching, travel soccer, cheer meetings and more I am Read More »»

An Open Letter From A Volunteer Cheer Coach

Dear Parents, I consider it an honor that you trust me with your child (or children). I love to teach them; I treat them like I treat my child. If I am honest, I am much harder on my child than I am yours. I want each child to excel when they are on my team. I want them to reach the highest of their potential. I want them to be the best cheerleader (football player, soccer player, baseball Read More »»

Here I Go…Off To My First Day Of College!

Obviously, I've been slacking on my blogging (I have plenty of drafts written, but never sit down to finish them...I must finish the letter to my high school senior before he graduates). I've been busy with life and enjoying my children all summer and that's been so freeing and full of memories. However, now I have another reason that you may not see me around as much as you are used to during Read More »»

Guess Who’s Going to College!!

AHHH it's real y'all. I am going to back to school. I am celebrating my 20th YES my TWENTIETH class reunion, this summer, and a few weeks after that celebration I will finally be going to college. Right out of high school I started working and shortly after that I got pregnant with my first. Since then I have worked as a Pharmacy Technician and of course my awesome blogging job, but most Read More »»