If you don't know what I am talking about you can read this post. We have been dealing with dog attacks with no (or very little rather) help from the city and no response from the neighbor. What really bothered me about the whole situation, after the attacks themselves of course, were the neighbors had to know and never responded. These are the neighbors my daughter had talked to over the fence Read More »»
Open Letter To ScumBag Neighborhood Tresspasser
This is a guest post from Posted by Deb Beaulieu from Spawnocalypse. Dear Scumbag,Congratulations--I've officially lost count of how many mornings I've opened my car door to greet your trademark glovebox dumping all over the floor and passenger seat. This time, Hubs and I actually argued over whose turn it was to speed dial the local police and wait around for them to come get our report. Once Read More »»