Summer is fun and really we don't have a lot of set things we have to do, but when school starts that's a whole other story. We have class meetings, practices, games, birthday parties, and much more. That's where the momAgenda mini daily comes in handy. It's a planner, small enough to fit into your bag and big enough to keep track of all the important appointments, practices, and in my Read More »»
Back To School Organization Is Easy With momAgenda Giveaway #momAgendaCOMM
Congratulations to Paula K who has been randomly chosen the winner! As a member of momAgenda’s Council of Media Moms, I received a discount on the products featured (I opted not to receive anything else free of charge for this campaign since I had just bought items). I will be compensated for this post. Opinions are my own. Giveaway provided by momAgenda. It's no surprise how much I LOVE my Read More »»
momAgenda MyAgenda Mini Giveaway
For the last few years I have had the joy of being one of the momAgenda COMM team members. One of the perks is receiving free momAgenda products through the year and this is one of those times. I absolutely ADORE momAgenda products for both my daily life and my blog. Yes I know my blog is part of my daily life but it needs it's own agenda with all that I have going on. I have been using the Home Read More »»
momAgenda Sports Years Review & Giveaway (WINNER ANNOUNCED)
momAgenda has helped to keep me organized for years. Appointments, kids practices, blog name it and it's probably written in my agenda. Today, however, I want to share with you a little something outside of the agenda round, today we are talking sports. Each of my children are involved in some kind of sport. My boys are playing soccer and my girl is flipping in gymnastics. Having Read More »»
Brandcation Sponsors….Thank You!
Yes, yes I am just returning from that amazing place. I spent the last few days with 33 other bloggers on the Blog Cabin Brandcation and had an absolute blast. In the coming weeks I will share more detailed posts but today I wanted to give a shout out to the sponsors without which this would not have been possible. A big thank you to event/housing sponsors: Cabin Fever Vacations Dixie Read More »»
momAgenda Review & Giveaway (WINNER ANNOUNCED)
Back to school time in my house is probably one of the most frantic times. The kids are starting to have sports practice again, parent/teacher meetings, class parties, gymnastics….you get my drift. Not to mention my schedule of blog posts to write, emails to return, bills due, phone calls, it’s very easy for me to forget what needs to be done and by when. In most cases if you are alive you have Read More »»