
12 Easy Last Minute DIY Costumes For Girls, Guys, and Couples

Halloween is tomorrow and maybe you haven't made it to the store to get an outfit or you didn't plan going out but now you want to. What are you going to wear? I came up with some easy outfits that you can throw together with items you may already have in your closet. It is a mix between girls, guys and couples. I hope you enjoy and it will help you out this Halloween! Want to have a little fun, Read More »»

Wordless Wednesday: Halloween 2007


Halloween was fun!

This year Halloween was so much fun because Bella was finally old enough to understand and have a good time trick or treating. We told the kids what to say when someone opened the door (trick or treat), and I got so tickled at Aidan; he did well for the first two houses. Then he got so excited, I guess, knowing that he was going to get candy that for every house after that when the door opened he Read More »»