
Money Lessons I Learned

When I was in high school I took a Home-Economics class, which taught me all about budgeting a bank account. However, as I grew up, I realized that it wasn’t as easy as it seemed. I went out on my own, and realization set in. If I wanted something, I would have to save for it. My ‘job’ money wasn’t the same as ‘chore ‘money growing up. I had real bills to pay, so if I wanted a special shirt, I had to pay for it.

Next, the credit cards came flowing in through the mail. I was able to keep everything current (bills, credit cards, etc.) until one day, car problems happened, and I didn’t have a savings because I wanted the “right now”. Oh the things you learn as you mature. I ended up having to use those credit cards, I never should have gotten, for real needs because I didn’t put money back. I ended up in a situation of needing help with debt management.

Luckily for me I wasn’t too far in, so there was an end in sight.  However, I did need help keeping a float. I went with a local credit counseling agency and they really helped me get back on track, and I have been in a better place since then. It made me realize an important lesson that I want to really pour into my kids….

It’s nice to have what you want when you want it, but it’s not always best to do that. You have to work for what you want and having a backup (or savings) is much more important than the want you have right now. Save first and get later. Now I budget and get extras when we can, and it really does make it much sweeter!

*This post made possible by Joe Restivo. Thoughts are my own. For more information please see my disclosure

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    There seems to be a learning curve at points in our life, my husband totally handles everything, shhh don’t tell anyone.. 🙂

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    My Mom always said if you can’t pay cash now, you will regret the purchase later. She was right in a lot of ways.

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    I’m a savings gal…THAT is what I want, security, more than any things.

  4. 4

    I’ve learned a few things in my life.

    If you REALLY want something. Think of how it will impact you in five years. If you won’t notice the difference….go ahead and get it. If at any point you’d have to struggle because of the purchase – forget it.

  5. 5

    Our oldest son is 18 and he is definitely in the “want it right now” mode. We are trying to teach him to save and budget his money and also let him learn from our own mistakes. But, it’s difficult. I think many kids today are just used to everything being instant and don’t know how to wait for things. It can be so frustrating for us.

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    My daughter wants in now, and wants me to buy it. I’ve started making her earn and save money. She’s 8. I provide her with what she needs, and extras when I can afford. When she wants something I don’t think she needs, and I don’t actually want her to have, she has to save her money and buy it herself.

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    Learning them and doing them are two different things. Sometimes people just have to learn the hard way.

  8. 8

    It’s easy to overspend when you have credit cards. I hate credit cards and only use one and pay off the balance at the end of the month.

  9. 9

    Credit cards can be so dangerous. It’s a hard lesson to learn for some.

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    I went through an agency years ago, it worked for us then!

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    I think it’s more satisfying when you pay for it in full at the time of purchase anyhow!

  12. 12

    I know what you mean. It’s so easy to over-spend on credit cards.

  13. 13

    We haven’t had a credit card since 1998. If we can’t afford to pay cash, we don’t get it.

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    I can’t wait to be debt free!

  15. 15

    Wish my hubby learned this sooner we considilated all is CC into the bank and looking at a NICE new car in payments with nothing in return. I hate Credit Cards 🙁

  16. 16

    I have to manage our money or else we would be poor. My husband is just horrible at it

  17. 17

    I think when you get to be an adult you start to understand.

  18. 18

    I think Zippy’s point is spot on. A lesson I had to learn!
