
Holiday Photo Tips With Colgate Enamel Health

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Colgate. I received a product sample for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.
Holiday Photo Tips

Let’s talk all about holiday photo tips, for those perfect family photos:

Tips To Beautiful Holiday Photos:

1. Brush with Colgate Enamel Health Whitening Toothpaste. Not only will you be whitening those teeth to have the prettiest smile in photos, you will also be protecting your enamel. Which means you will have beautiful teeth for photos in years to come

2. For the ladies, primp it up. You don’t want to appear washed out in photos, that’s where beauty products come in handy. Also, take time and fix yourself up nice. We tend to put others first, so we want to make sure we look stunning in our photos! Put yourself first!

3. Pick complimentary outfits. If you are near a beach like us, we have found khaki bottoms (or jeans) and white shirts are a fun holiday photos. However if you are going a little more formal, then pick out the dresses of the females in the photos first. Once you have those, let colors in the guys outfits be complimentary to them. Whether it’s a tie that color or a shirt that color, it’s fun to coordinate in holiday photos.

Colgate Whitening toothpaste

Thanks to Walgreens Saturdates, I can pick up most of my holiday photo needs. The Colgate Enamel Health, my makeup products, hair products and more can be found at my (and your) local Walgreens. Be sure to check your local Walgreens and you may catch a buy one get one deal on the Colgate Enamel Health products!

During the holiday season there is so much to smile about and celebrate. Why not have the prettiest smile possible! Whether you are smiling through the memories you make with friends and family or smile because you are taking that new family photo you will cherish forever, let Colgate Enamel Health help you have the best smile you possibly can!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    These are all great tips, don’t forget to use Colgate White Strips as well. Thank you for sharing this post.
