
Fun Looks With Rose Royce Light Wash Denim

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It’s no secret, I love fashion so when I was approached by Rose Royce about putting together a few looks I didn’t hesitate. Quick note, if I get the most likes on my photo here, I will be their ambassador, so go like if you dont’ mind!  Now back to the story, using two pair of Rose Royce denim I got to working on a few looks. Before showing you those, I want to show you the detail in the light wash jeans I got. I love the stitching, the pocket design, the extra little bling here and there on the jeans. They are so much fun!
Rose Royce Denim Light

I had to wait for my stylist….aka my mom (who has AMAZING fashion sense) to get some jewelry and such so we could create the perfect look (and so she could take my photos). While I waited I played with some pieces I had. I realized these jeans would be great for a date night or a girls night out and you could have some fun with animal print and sequins:
Wild Fashion

Now it’s time to showcase the entire “official” look (my mom is totally going to be my personal shopper when I get rich) using the light wash Rose Royce denim:
Rose Royce Light Denim 2

Seriously, how cute is this sheer shirt, fun jewelry (by LipstickLala Jewelry Designs) paired with the light wash denim. This could be a day or night look to be honest…maybe dress it down by taking away some of the pieces for day wear, but you know we had to go all out for the post:
Rose Royce Light Denim

If my smile doesn’t say enough, I am really loving the jeans I received from Rose Royce…but this isn’t the only look…go check out my post using the dark wash denim and see the fun we had with that look!

Rose Royce Light Denim 3

Do you prefer light or dark wash jeans?

Don’t forget to go like my photo so I can be their ambassador!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1
    Rhonda Fulfer

    Love the look. you are Beautiful…..

  2. 2

    I used to love light washed and then I liked dark washed… now, I wear both, depending on my mood and the look I want to achieve. 🙂

  3. 3

    Those are gorgeous! 🙂

    P.S. I’m sorry if you get this comment more than once, but my computer is acting real wonky, lol.

  4. 4

    I need some new jeans!

  5. 5

    I LOVE those jeans. They are really flattering to you.

  6. 6

    I am more of a dark wash girl most of the time, since it is more slimming, and I need all the help I can get…lol

  7. 7

    You look so cute! I prefer dark jeans because they’re more slimming.

  8. 8

    You look stunning and the photos are outstanding too! I am usually a dark wash girl but the style and fit of these are fantastic!

  9. 9

    I want those jeANS

  10. 10

    You look fabulous!

  11. 11

    You look great in both the dark and light wash denim. I’m preferring the darker washes these day myself.

  12. 12

    I like the light jeans even thought they are not as “IN” You have the perfect body for modeling jeans!!

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