There are times I have been at a loss when it comes to sitting down and praying specifically. Now, I know God loves anytime we spend with Him and he loves to love on us whether we know what to pray or not. There are times I can flow freely in my prayer time and I know I have a great prayer life with God, but sometimes I like to see that it’s not just me reaping the benefits of meeting with the Lord, my maker. Alex E. Anderson’s book “Dangerous Prayers” was a book that let me see the miraculous moments in others lives because they chose to pray dangersously!
The book Dangerous Prayers really reminded me just how important it is to always stand on God’s word. Not believing for God’s will and then turning around and doubting He can do what I am believing for. Dangerous Prayers really refreshed me and made me desire even more to rise to a new level in my prayer life. I don’t want to give too much away of the book, but I will share a little bit from the second chapter with you, as this book is full of people who chose to pray (and believe) dangerous prayers and the outcome that came to be!
In chapter two, we meet Mad Mack. Mad Mack is someone, who most of us may be intimidated by because of the person he “seemed” to be, as I am sure you can guess by his nickname. Once Pastor Alex met him in person, and not just from a distance, he realized he was wrong about who he thought Mack was. Mack had committed his life to Jesus at a young age, but turned away as a teen. After years away from God, Mack experienced a blow to his life when his wife divorced him and figured what would it hurt to “give Jesus a try”. As he grew in his walk, he met his now wife but his life wasn’t complete as he had a son who wanted nothing to do with him.
There was communication between the father and son but very limited communication. Because Mack loved his son and knew he was not saved, he began praying and asking others to pray for his salvation. A few months later, one of the young men from the church, told Pastor Alex he wanted to start bringing his friends to church because he had a heart that wanted them to come to Christ. Six months later this young man brought his best friend, who happened to be none other than Mad Mack’s son. He ended up committing his life to Christ and a restoration between Mack and his son happened over time and it was all because Mad Mack decided to pray dangerously.
Praying dangerously isn’t always easy. It requires faith, hope, love, and trust that even though you can’t see the outcome you trust God to work it out. The book is filled with fourteen dangerous prayers that share testimonies of those who prayed dangerously! It is also filled with scripture and bible stories that will remind you just how much God loves you and how powerful he is. For Him to be able to show us that power, we have to pray “Dangerous Prayers” and believe what we are praying!
I highly suggest picking up a copy of Dangerous Prayers for yourself, this book will refresh your prayer life and add a new spark! When is the last time you prayed dangerously?
Toni Patton
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I loved this book and after reading this I need to pick it up again! Thanks for sharing this!