Hey, y’all. It’s been a hot minute (a hot minute is almost a year in my time). But, when you are stuck inside while the Navarre Beach Lifeguards post pics of the beach you are longing to be at, you have the grand idea to jump back on the blog you have ignored and see if you can get back into it.
Last time I posted, I was dropping my son off at Missouri State and had come back home with a heart so proud and so heavy. I was still in school and had just started coaching high school cheer, after coaching cheer for five years before at a different place. Updates since my last post include the following happenings:
- Finishing my associate’s degree in elementary education! I took a break for the spring semester and will be enrolling in fall to finish out my bachelor’s in early childhood education. I’m still coaching JV cheer at the high school and just recently got a job working in the high school media center!
- My son transferred back home to finish college, it’s much cheaper to do in-state and he is doing great in his classes.
- My younger son is almost through with this sophomore year and played JV soccer at the high school before Covid-19 canceled all sports
- My daughter is almost done with her freshmen year and finished her first year of high school cheer (both on the sideline team and competitive team) in February bringing home trophy for state-runner up at the state cheerleading competition. State runner up is definitely an amazing accomplishment. In the words of Courtney from Bring it On….”Second place, HELL yeah!!” (pardon the momentary cursing)
- My husband got a new position at work and is still the sexiest man alive!
So, yeah, we’ve been a little bit (or a lot) busy. Between sports, appointments, school (for the kids and myself), and everything else that comes with being a wife and mom (and working outside of the home) it’s still been crazy. However, thanks to Covid-19, we have had a lot of downtime, and I’ll be the first to admit to going a little bit stir crazy.
Our kids are out of school until at least April 15, potentially the rest of the school year, so we are just kind of playing everything by ear at the moment. I’ve decided that since I have free time for who knows how long, it would be a good time to get back into blogging, but on a different level than before. I think I want to do this solely to have an outlet to just ramble, at least for the time being. I loved when this was my income and how I made my money, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t miss being tied to my computer and stressing all the time about what was going to happen next. So, now, I want this to be my hobby, where I get to share my life with you without being tied to sponsors.
I hope you will all continue to stop by (probably like ten of you at this point) and read whatever it is I am sharing! I am happy not to have to stress over page views and link clicks and just be here to write and share ” A Daily Dose of Toni”…okay, so maybe it will be a weekly or monthly dose, but that’s the good thing about writing just to write and share, no pressure. I hope you all have an amazing day and I’ll see you back here tomorrow (or net time the urge kicks in to write).
Toni Patton
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