
7 Things To Know When Starting A Blog #GatorPress #ad

Starting A Blog

I’ve been blogging since 2007….man does that make me feel old with so many people joining the blog world on a daily basis. I was pretty on my own when I started blogging, there was no where near the community that is available today. There are so many things I wish I had known before starting, it would have saved me a lot of trouble, so to help those of you who may want to start a blog, I have 7 Things To Know When Starting A Blog!

1) Pick your url (and your title). This is going to be with you, your entire online life. So, when starting a blog, make your name stick with readers.  You may notice that my url and name don’t match…I would suggest getting a url that you will use as your title. When I first started I didn’t think about them being different, but thankfully it’s not been too much of a hassle. I guess being around so long, when someone says “A Daily Dose of Toni” or they know they are one in the same, but it took awhile for that to stick. So definitely pick your url and buy it ASAP!


2) Pick your platform. I started on blogger, but as I really decided I wanted to do this for a living and not just a hobby I knew I wanted to head for wordpress. I would highly suggest starting a blog, with wordpress from the get go. You learn the platform right away. I started on blogger and realized I needed the freedom self-hosting allowed, so I had to go through the painstaking process of switching over…or the people I paid did, and trust me they were tsk tsk tsking me the whole time.


3) Get hosting. This is key, when you are not on a free site (going back to the needing freedom), you will need to host your site. With sites like HostGator, the process of setting up your new blog has gotten much easier from the days of old. Not only will they help you get set up, but they have their HostGator Optimized WordPress. That is their new hosting platform that is specifically built for an optimized and managed WordPress environment. Optimized WordPress hosting packages will come pre-loaded with PHP 5.6 by default (the most recent PHP version offered). HostGator will handle all of the core, theme, and plugin updates without the need for any action on your part. In other words, you won’t have to worry about logging into your WP-Admin panel to handle common updates. Additionally, Optimized WordPress does not provide cPanel access, allowing you to install and access your WordPress sites without needing to access or navigate an extra control panel to do the things you want to do!

It also includes: Sitelock malware scanning and removal, Sitelock Content Delivery Network (CDN), CodeGuard daily backup and restores (down to the file level), and HostGator Optimized WordPress is a new premium product and just a small extension to existing products provided by HostGator. With their 24/7 live support, they are definitely a hosting company worth checking into! Learn more about HostGator here.


4) Get your social handles. Whether you want to be known by your name or your blog name, you will want to start going to all the social networks (twitter, facebook, periscope, instagram, pinterest) asap! I try to actually get a few variations just in case. There is nothing more frustrating than waiting and missing out on the handle you want!

5) Make a schedule. Blogging can be a crazy slow month one month and then super busy the next. The best thing you can do, when starting a blog, is set a schedule. Will you blog after the kids are in bed or set one day a week aside to write as many posts as you can? You don’t want to do, like I did when I first started and put off each post until they day they are due. That’s a sure fire way to stress yourself out. If you make a schedule, you can let your friends and family know, “hey, this is my time to blog for the week/month” but let’s go do something fun these days. They know your schedule and you don’t miss fun times with family because you put off that post!

6) Connect! It’s so easy to get overwhelmed in the blogging world, and sometimes it can feel like you are trying to do it all on your on when you are starting a blog. Thankfully, there are so many bloggers out there, you just have to take time to find the ones who will help and encourage you. Connecting with other bloggers, both new and veteran, really makes immersing yourself into this world so much easier. Don’t be afraid to ask questions…because I know it would have been so much easier for me, had I had the community I do now

7) Set your goals. Whether you are starting your blog to become a full time job, or just a hobby, you have to have goals. Know it’s going to be work, a lot of work, but if you put your goals in front of you, you’ll know what you are working toward. Make lists and check off your accomplishments when you reach them! You’ll feel great every time you check off another goal and your progress will push you to keep going!

I hope this list helps you get started blogging and I hope I get to read your life stories soon!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1
    Pam Gugliotta

    This is great information and thank you for sharing your experiences. I am researching and reading as much information as I can on starting a blog – one day very soon!

  2. 2

    Those are all great tips! I have nothing against WordPress but don’t use it and I’m okay with that. I go through Blogger. I bought my domain through GoDaddy and went through hell with that one. Never again! Now I’m with 1&1 as my host and I like them much better.
