
Summer Memories With Skype

Over the last few months I have been sharing my love of Skype. It's such an easy way to stay connected. When summer hits a lot of families take vacations, go on staycations or do fun activities after work. For us, it's always nice to include family who may not be able to be there. Whether we are hitting the local waterpark or walking around Disneyland it's a great way to let those not with you Read More »»

So Much To Do On Skype, So Little Time

Last month I announced that I have the privilege of being a Skype Ambassador. I use Skype to IM with friends, voice chat while online but most recently I have enjoyed the benefits of another one of Skype's video chat. Whether I need to have a conference call with several PR I am working with or just want to connect with other family members video chat is a great way to have a Read More »»

Excited To Announce I’m A Skype Ambassador

I have a little secret weapon that keeps me connected and it's known as... I am excited to announce to you today that for the next few months I will be one of the Skype ambassadors.  Skype plays a big part in my online (and offline) life.  I have family and friends all over the country and what a fun way it is to stay connected in an instant.  When I am online, sure, I could use the phone but Read More »»