
Ragged Edge Gear Review & Giveaway (10/10)

I was contacted by Ragged Edge Gear and asked if I would like to do a review.  Upon checking out their site I jumped on this opportunity because once I saw their items, I just knew I wanted to spread the word about them. A little bit about Ragged Edge Gear before I get into the review (taken from their site): RAGGEDedge started out as one of Susan's wild hairs; one more way for her to use Read More »»

Happy New School Year Giveaway! (10/4)

With School back in full swing Nestle, has generously offered to giveaway a wonderful pack of goodies as part of their  Happy New School Year giveaway to go along with the giveaway they have going on.  In my house we use several Nestle products, such as Coffemate and Stouffer's.  Not only does Nestle make wonderful candy bars, dinners and coffee creamers but they give back.  Right now Nestle Read More »»