Single parenthood is tough. You’ve got scraped knees to kiss and monsters to catch. That, along with Guardians of the Galaxy parties to plan, deadlines to beat and bills to pay. You deal with all of it, sometimes all in one morning. Welcome to a day in the life of single parents everywhere. Single Moms and Dads Infoplease reports that, in the United States, the number of single mothers reached Read More »»
My Iced Coffee Savings, So Far, Are Substantial
The showdown continues. International Delight Iced Coffee Vs. Coffee House specialty coffe. I have to be truthful and say the International Delight wins the first half of the month hands down. I stocked up on each flavor of the International Delight Iced Coffee. Took them to the conveyer belt by the register and paid... As I got home I started keeping track of my coffee drinking Read More »»
Cheap Gas Audit #MurphyUSA, All Around Town We Go!
My mission should I choose to accept it is to find the cheapest gas around me. I accepted it! Friday morning off I went to check gas prices around the area in a gas audit shop. Read More »»