Where is 42 Wallaby Way exactly?? According to Ellen there isn't one. Disappointed? I was too, BUT there is something to ease our disappointment..... AHHHHHHH!!!!! Did someone just say FINDING DORY??? To say I am excited is an understatement, I am ECSTATIC (is that enough caps in a short amount of time fo you). I adored Finding Nemo and had hoped there would be a sequel, and to find out Read More »»
Color Me Surprised…Okay Not Really. KimK & KrisH Divorcing.
Well I can't say I am shocked. EW has announced that Kim & Kris are no longer the happy prince and princess millions of us saw on their wedding special "Kim's Fairytale Wedding", they are in fact divorcing. A hint of the impending doom set upon their marriage should have been seen by the mere title of the show. Read More »»