
Wordless Wednesday: Waking Up

It was early Christmas morning and she was just waking up for the second time, she tried to wake up at 3:30 a.m. LOL.

Have a great Wednesday!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    My daughter woke us up at 6:30. I told her she had to wait until the sun came up.

  2. 2

    Nothing like the excitement of Christmas morning!

  3. 3
    Canadian Mom Blogger

    Awww, that’s sweet. My kids barged into our room at 7:01am because they are not allowed to get us up before 7, lol.

  4. 4

    my 3 year old slept until 8am – it was awesome!

  5. 5

    Cute picture. Our kids didn’t wake up until 6:30. Melinda and I were up at 5:30 waiting for the kids to wake up. Any other weekend they would wake us up at 6 but on Christmas they decided to sleep in. Go Figure. LOL.

    Happy WW!

  6. 6

    Haha! I love it! We had to wake our little ones up too!

  7. 7

    Rubbing the sleep out of the eyes. So sweet.

  8. 8

    Aww! Merry Christmas!

  9. 9

    Lol how funny. My son was up at 2:00am, 5:00am, and finally 7:00am so I can relate to this one.

  10. 10

    lol I had to wake up my daughter, she was out cold

  11. 11

    My 11 year old woke up at 5 and wanted to wake the 4yr old up- I told him to go back to bed, we didn’t get up until 8:30! I seriously think he just believes to receive, but…

  12. 12

    There’s really nothing cuter than a sleepy child!

  13. 13

    Awww! Nothing better than waking up on Christmas day!

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  15. 15

    It’s always hard to stay awake for presents. LOL

  16. 16

    Rise and shine. My mother in law had to tell my son to go back to bed every 20 minutes starting at 3:30 in the morning. Finally at6:30 so let him wake us all up.

  17. 17

    Such a sleepy head!

  18. 18

    Our kids were up at 6:30 but I remember getting up SOOO early and waking my parents up. Being a kids is so much fun!

  19. 19

    Very cute picture.

  20. 20

    3:30?!?! I would have gone crazy! My daughter’s had us up at 6:30 and I thought that was bad!

  21. 21

    That is absolutely adorable! Lovely shot.

  22. 22

    Yep, I would have sent her back to bed at 3:30 too!

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    Adorable! My son still doesn’t understand Christmas yet so he woke up at his usual time!

  24. 24

    My kids made it til 7!
