
Wordless Wednesday: The Family

wordlesswednesdayA picture of my family staring out to the ocean on our trip to Florida. Editing done by Picnik, have I mentioned I love that site. And by the way this could totally be the next Cingular Ad, yes?

Link up your WW post and I will head over to check them out throughout the day.

Have a great Wednesday!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Cool pic… thanks for sharing. If you have a minute come by and say hi. Happy WW!

    Miracles Do Happen
    .-= Mom Blogs´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: My Miracle =-.

  2. 2

    I say send it to AT&T and see 🙂 LOL It’s definitely a cool version of ‘the network’ haha

    Creative photo – I love it. So sweet that you guys are all holding hands 🙂 *hugs* Thanks for sharing!!
    .-= Kat @ For the Love of Chaos´s last blog ..2009-11-10 : My Tweets =-.

  3. 3

    wow that is cool!!!
    .-= Fiona´s last blog ..Join a LIVE Virtual Book Club Tomorrow Night Wednesday Nov. 11th! =-.

  4. 4
    Shop with Me Mama

    Great picture! Happy WW 🙂
    .-= Shop with Me Mama´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday 🙂 =-.

  5. 5

    That is great, I love picnik for editing too!
    .-= Pippa´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Spot the Robin Red Breast =-.

  6. 6

    Awesome photo…
    .-= Trish @IamSucceeding´s last blog ..Pumpkin & Chocolate… =-.

  7. 7

    I love it! And, yes, it could totally be a Cingluar ad. 🙂
    .-= Tara @ Feels like Home´s last blog ..Our Easy Scarecrow Craft =-.

  8. 8

    Love the editing you did on the photo.. nice!!
    Happy WW

  9. 9

    Totally Cingular 🙂
    Have a great Wednesday!
    .-= Harriet´s last blog ..Thank goodness for Friends! =-.

  10. 10

    Awe, look at all of you all cutsey cute, all lovey dove, all sweetie sweet!

    Umm… yeah.. I’m on coffee overload. lol
    .-= Sara@My Sippy Cup Runneth Over´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday Buzzzzzzzzz =-.

  11. 11


    I love Picnik too.

  12. 12

    oooooh. that is so cool! i like how it makes you feel all cozy.

  13. 13

    Great shot!!
    .-= Melanie @ Whimsical Creations´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

  14. 14

    Beautiful pic… I LOVE Picnik… great site! I am all linked up!
    .-= Jenn´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday ~ We all have Curly Tails… =-.

  15. 15

    Great picture. I like the set up and I like what you did. I have to go check out that site.
    .-= Carolyn G´s last blog ..Mostly Wordless Wednesday – Winter is Coming! BOO! =-.

  16. 16

    Love the effects! So cool.

  17. 17

    cool editing – I can never get picnik to work fast for me – it is sooooooo darn slow

  18. 18

    Absolutely Lovely Toni. Happy wednesday!
    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Brumation – Wordful and Wordless Wednesday =-.

  19. 19

    I too am in looooove with Picnik… *sigh* what an awesome picture!
    .-= Kelly @Childhood´s last blog ..Paperspring Review and Special Offer! =-.

  20. 20

    That is really cool. I’ll have to check that site out!

  21. 21

    I love Picnik. Cool shot! 🙂
    .-= Hayley´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – My Soldiers =-.

  22. 22

    Awesome! I love altered pictures like that…and yes, could totally be the next commercial! You have my vote!

  23. 23

    Very cool technique! Love it!
    .-= Deborah´s last blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.

  24. 24

    Fun! I enjoy playing around with different photo edits too.

  25. 25

    What a fabulous photo ~ love it! Happy WW and Happy Veterans Day to all those who have so unselfishly served our country!
    .-= OLLIE MCKAY’S´s last blog ..NEW Bungalow Scout Totes and Bags ~ HOOAH! & WORDLESS WEDNESDAY too! =-.

  26. 26

    What a cool effect!
    .-= Susie’s Homemade´s last blog ..FNCCC: Week 11 =-.

  27. 27

    love it.
    love picnik too
    .-= staciesmadness´s last blog ..Ah. =-.

  28. 28

    What a fun photo!! Very creative!
    .-= Annie@MamaDweeb´s last blog ..Bloggers and Tiaras =-.

  29. 29

    Very cool! I need to check this Picnik thing out.
    .-= Run DMT´s last blog ..I Put a Spell on You =-.

  30. 30
    Sara Elizabeth Bonds

    Neato photo effects, and great family picture.
    .-= Sara Elizabeth Bonds @ The OmniCouple´s last blog ..WordFul Wednesday: Spooky, Isn’t It? =-.

  31. 31

    Isn’t being by the beach so calming 🙂

  32. 32

    That picture is so cute of your family standing on the beach.
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Christmas giveaway # 3-Monique Chvatal Designs =-.
