
Wordless Wednesday: Snow In CT

A week ago I returned from my New York/Connecticut trip that I went on with my mom, aunt, 2 cousins and a friend of the family. The trip was A to the MAZING. We had great weather, freezing I am going to die of frost bite weather, pretty snow. It was the perfect trip from start to finish. Okay the frost bite part not so much LOL. Anyhoo here is one of the pictures my mom and I took while we were in CT for a conference where we chatted with Stephen Baldwin (that is saved for another WW). No worries a post (or several) will come with the details of the family we stayed with, the touristy stuff we did and more.

But for now, link up your Wordless Wednesday (or in my case not so wordless) below so I can head over and check out your amazing photo(s). Have a blessed Wednesday. And don’t forget to comment while you are linking up here, after all that is proper blog etiquette (which I am working on myself so don’t you want to be my example LOL).

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    That’s a beautiful picture. I love your site! This is my first visit, but it’s been fun! 🙂

  2. 2

    I love your coat! The buckle is really cool.

  3. 3

    That’s a sweet pic. I miss my mom. She lives far away 🙁

  4. 4

    What a great photo, your both stunning.

  5. 5

    Nice picture of the two of you. I am in the area, so clearly remember that snow (and all the others…LOL). Happy WW

  6. 6

    Great snowy shot of a beautiful mom and daughter! LOVE your Mom’s coat!!!

  7. 7

    Oops – sorry but P.S. Where can I get those adorable smileys??? Thanx!!

  8. 8

    Awe. I love it! Two beautiful ladies. Toni… the coat. THE COAT! It’s fab!

  9. 9

    two lovely ladies indeed!

  10. 10

    What a fun weekend that was! I was happy to see so much snow! Ya’ll look great!

  11. 11

    You two look like sisters!

  12. 12

    Nothing like hanging out with MOM!! Love it!

    Happy Wed not so wordless day

  13. 13

    A beautiful pair of ladies to be sure. We got very little snow this season.
