
Wordless Wednesday: My Girl

See sometimes she looks really angelic huh! Link up your WW below and I will head over and check them out.

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


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    She is beautiful!

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    She does indeed look angelic. Lovely!
    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Book Review: Shadow of the King by Helen Hollick =-.

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    She almost looks like she’s glowing 🙂
    .-= Jennifer @ J. Leigh Designz´s last blog ..Random Tuesday Thoughts =-.

  5. 6

    Very Beautiful…she does look like she is glowing. Happy WW!
    .-= Mellisa´s last blog ..Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss and Show Me Your Giveaway’s! =-.

  6. 7

    She is so adorable!! You have such beautiful children.
    .-= Carolyn G´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Here fishy fishy =-.

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    She is just adorable!
    .-= Michaela´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Carwash =-.

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    She is absolutely adorable!!
    .-= Stephaine @ Geezees´s last blog ..Dangle your feet (or paws) Wordless Wednesday =-.

  9. 10

    I love the glow of her white top. It really does make her look like an angel.
    .-= Marilyn @ A Lot of Loves´s last blog ..Worms and Dirt: Wednesday of Few Words =-.

  10. 11

    …is stunning. Thanks for sharing!
    .-= Molly´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Maybe a Bib Would Have Been a Good Idea =-.

  11. 12

    She’s beautiful! And what great lighting. Did you use your new camera for this?
    .-= Lori @Table_4_7´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: My Intrepid Explorer =-.

  12. 13

    she is georgeous
    .-= pamela ponder´s last blog ..WORDLESS WEDNESDAY ~ WHICH ONE WOULD YOU CHOOSE? =-.

  13. 14

    She is so beautiful!
    .-= Run DMT´s last blog ..Missed the Boat =-.

  14. 15

    She is beautiful in that photo!
    .-= Deborah´s last blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.

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    Lauralee Hensley

    She does look angelic. I mean if you really look at the picture, it looks like she has a white aura around almost all of her in that picture. So pretty.

  16. 17

    She looks so sweet!
    .-= Melanie @ Whimsical Creations´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday-Kitty Kitty =-.

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    aww! she’s so sweet!
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Shining Through =-.

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    Gorgeous pick of a gorgeous girl! They can all be angelic at some time especially when they are sleeping.

  19. 20

    Adorable photo! What a sweetheart.
    .-= Bridgette´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: National Craft Month–Clips =-.

  20. 21

    She is too cute:) My son acts this innocent sometimes too, but as parents we know they are not fooling anyone lol
    .-= Jacki´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday 3-3-2010 =-.

  21. 22

    I love the way you added a little glow to the photo – so pretty! And definitely angelic 🙂

  22. 23

    Awww, what an adorable little girl!
    .-= Stefany @ ToBeThode´s last blog ..Uneaks Shoes for Kids =-.

  23. 24

    oh so sweet
    .-= Mary RC´s last blog ..Been a long time since i rock n’ roll… blog rock =-.

  24. 25

    Oh Toni, she is gorgeous!!

  25. 26

    Awwww she really is sooooo cute. So deceiving huh? haha, just teasing. But sometimes I think why can’t they always be as sweet as they look in the pictures??? HAha.
    .-= Vic´s last blog ..Japanese Hair Straightening =-.

  26. 27

    What a great photo 🙂 She’s darling.
