
Wordless Wednesday: Extreme Yumminess

I love the kitchen, no matter what kind of mood I am in cooking always makes me happy. Happy Wordless Wednesday! What are some of your favorite ways to brighten your mood??

Link up your WW below!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Those strawberries looks so stinkin’ delish! Save some for me, will you?
    Come on over and link up when you get a chance. Happy Wordless Wednesday.

    Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud
    .-= Kristi {at} Live and Love…Out Loud´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Memories of Summer =-.

  2. 2

    Chocolate covered strawberries are my FAVE! So yummy!

  3. 3

    I am a strawberry fan!! ooh and with chocolate- yummy
    .-= CJ´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday ~WP Edition w/ Linky =-.

  4. 4

    Mmmmm….my favorite!!
    Wonder if I have strawberries now….

    .-= Tammi ´s last blog ..{Almost}Wordless Wednesday | The Playground is Spinning… =-.

  5. 5

    Ohhhh that is SUCH a dirty trick. You lure me over here with your Comluv link on my blog and then taunt me with THIS!? You should be ASHAMED, I tell you! lol

    I was just thinking how messed up it is that I remembered to get shrimp but forgot the cocktail sauce, so I decided to snack on some grapes. Now, my grapes taste like cardboard because I can’t get the image of chocolate covered strawberries out of my psyche. 🙂
    .-= Kat @ For the Love of Chaos´s last blog ..WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: My Beautiful “Middle Child” 🙂 =-.

  6. 6

    Strawberries…good! Chocolate…good!! Together??? YUMMY!! Happy WW!! 😀
    .-= The Mayor!´s last blog ..Vive le Montréal! =-.

  7. 7

    Is there anything better than a chocolate covered strawberry??
    .-= Michelle @ One Crafty Mama´s last blog ..WW – My May on display =-.

  8. 8

    I haven’t some of those for ages. Yum. Can’t wait for summer when the strawberries get nice.
    .-= Marilyn´s last blog ..Looking Back: Wednesday of Few Words =-.

  9. 9

    I want some. Those look delicious!

    My WW
    .-= Halie´s last blog ..Whachoolookinat? Err, What are you looking at? =-.

  10. 10

    Love chocs! Thanks for the linky!
    .-= I’m a full-time mummy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday (Ben Peeking…) =-.

  11. 11

    sooooo yummy!

    Love it!

    .-= Li´s last blog ..Meaningful Beauty® – To Buy or Not To Buy Into? =-.

  12. 12

    Yummy! Make that dark chocolate and I’ll take a dozen!

  13. 13

    Happy WW.I do hope that you enjoyed the dipped strawberries..
    .-= Michelle´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday | Time For Roses =-.

  14. 14

    Mine is about strawberries, too! Tis the season! LOL

    ~Mimi @ Marvelous Mom Reviews
    .-= Mimi´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday ~ They’re Here, They’re Here! =-.

  15. 15

    how yummy!!! I hope that you enjoyed them..
    .-= Michelle´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday | Time For Roses =-.

  16. 16

    Can I win these? 🙂 J/k

  17. 17

    Looks Yummy! Maybe I will make some!
    .-= Julie @ Coupon Saving Family´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Melissa =-.

  18. 18

    Oh wow. Those looks so delicious.
    .-= Run DMT´s last blog ..Dare to Bare =-.

  19. 19
    JDaniel4's Mom

    These looks wonderful!

  20. 20

    Oh, my goodness! Extreme yumminess is right. Chocolate’s one of my pick-me-ups. 🙂 I also love getting lost in a book where I can imagine myself in that other world.
    .-= Lauren @ Hobo Mama´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Raised garden beds =-.

  21. 21

    Yum!! great shots

  22. 22

    OH, my heart. I honestly believe Heaven is full of these babies!
    .-= Sara@MommaFindings´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: The Sights of Our Memorial Day =-.

  23. 23

    YUM!! Those are looking pretty tasty about now. Happy WW! Drop by and link up.


  24. 24

    Oh chocolate covered strawberries…what an image to start off the day…
    .-= Molly´s last blog ..Way to Impress the Ladies =-.

  25. 25

    Oh you are such a TEASE! Those look absolutely WONDERFUL!

  26. 26

    Ohhhhhhhh-love those strawberries!!!!!
    There are a couple of ways I brighten my mood-one is in the kitchen, the other is popping on some tunes and singing my heart out.

    Happy WW
    .-= Evelyn´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Mackinac Bridge =-.

  27. 27
    Aubrie Williams

    Wow, it’s that time of the month so those look exceptionally good. I was at a church potluck for Memorial Day and someone had brought chocolate covered strawberries. But I had to feed Kara just as it was time to get our food. I ended up being the very last through line and needless to say there were no strawberries left. So sad.

  28. 28

    Yum! Now I want some chocolate covered strawberries!
    .-= Jodi´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

  29. 29

    Mmmmmm … those are my favorite!

    Happy WW! Thanks for stopping by.
    .-= Red Lotus Mama´s last blog ..NaBloPoMo – Day 1: Now =-.

  30. 30

    I don’t think there is anything better than choc.covered strawberries! If I had to pick another fave, it would be brownies right out of the oven 🙂

    Happy WW!
    .-= Shelley´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday~What are the odds? =-.

  31. 31

    oh my! can I have some?

    u may view mine too here
    .-= mizhelle´s last blog ..Online Bingo =-.

  32. 32

    Yum! I love this time of year.
    .-= Andrea Kruse´s last blog ..Aloha Friday – #12 =-.

  33. 33

    I’m ALREADY STARVING! Did you really have to do that?! haha! Happy WW!

    I have a linky up too:
    .-= Angie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Aliquippa (with linky) =-.

  34. 34

    Chocolate and strawberries, just meant to be together yum! I too, whatever the mood, cooking makes me happy! Happy WW!
    .-= Wishing4One´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Summer Eating =-.

  35. 35

    Delicious! Chocolate and strawberries are totally yumminess!
    .-= Deborah´s last blog ..ALL CLEAR: FeedMedic Alert for Babasfarmlife =-.

  36. 36

    I used to feel that way before I had two monkeys fighting in the playroom and another one literally wrapped around my thigh every time I go into the kitchen. It’s amazing I ever cook anything at all in these conditions.
    .-= Dumb Mom´s last blog ..Wordful Wednesday. Memorial Day BBQ. =-.

  37. 37

    .-= Modern Mom´s last blog ..WW – Sick Doggie =-.

  38. 38


    This is my first time here… I love it. I’m now a new follower. Come follow me back when you get a chance? Hugs, Traci

  39. 39

    Please toss a few pieces over here. 🙂
    .-= Cafe au lait ´s last blog ..RT|WW – Who wants ice cream? =-.

  40. 40

    Mmmmmm, those look delicious.
    .-= Maria @ LSS´s last blog ..RT|WW – It says, No Smoking!!! =-.

  41. 41

    Oh wow! I want some… please?
    .-= Liza ´s last blog ..RT|WW – Plantain =-.

  42. 42

    they look too beautiful to eat. happy ww.
    .-= Simply Delicious´s last blog ..WW – Mini Donuts =-.

  43. 43

    OMGosh you didn’t just post the most yummy food on the face of the planet (after ice cream) did you? YUM
    .-= Sarah ?´s last blog ..A Matter of Days =-.

  44. 44

    Those are my favorite! I don’t know why I don’t make the more often.
    .-= kailani´s last blog ..All Terrain Kids Care Products – All Natural Caring for our Kids =-.

  45. 45

    Those look so good.
    .-= Maggie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Brothers =-.

  46. 46

    Yum, those strawberries look divine! I like to go outdoors or cook or cuddle with my kids to help brighten up my mood. 🙂
