
Wordless (or not) Wednesday: The View I Have


Copyright A Daily Dose of Toni

I love that no one can build behind us because it’s military owned. I have this open field so this is the view I get every single night. GORGEOUS I tell ya!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    I’m jealous!

  2. 3

    Simply beautiful, Toni. I could wake up to that every morning for sure! Thanks for sharing…

  3. 5

    Wow, that is beautiful! I had no idea that was your view, lucky.

    • 6

      Thank Molly. I am pretty much loving it in the evenings, now once all the bugs go away for winter I can love it a little more LOL

  4. 7

    a beautiful view thanks for sharing

  5. 8

    Lovely sunset. happy WW!

  6. 9

    I’m totally jealous of that view!

  7. 10

    How pretty! It looks like a postcard.

  8. 11

    That is an awesome view!

    Happy WW!

  9. 12

    Wow, that is beautiful!

  10. 13

    Wow! That is quite the view. Beautiful shot!

  11. 14

    That IS gorgeous. We have a field behind us too and I always love watching the sun set over it..

  12. 15

    Beautiful picture!

  13. 16

    That is so incredibly beautiful!

  14. 17

    Beautiful! How lucky you are to have that view every day. That shot is frame-worthy…

  15. 18

    Wow, I am going to come live with you lol. Definitely nicer than my view.

  16. 19
    Melinda-LooKWhatMomFound..and Dad too!

    it’s so beautiful, I’m jealous

  17. 20

    Gorgeous shot!

  18. 21

    Thanks for the Wordless Wednesdays. That’s kinda fun!
    And you have a nice view! My backyard has a house view. 🙁

  19. 22

    That is a beautiful view. So nice to have all that open space.

  20. 23

    Love it! Great shot!
    Happy WW!

  21. 24

    I wouldn’t mind waking up to that view every morning!

  22. 25


  23. 26

    Wow! Its beautiful!

  24. 27

    Now THAT is a view!

  25. 28

    That’s stunning!

  26. 29

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful sunset! Happy WW

  27. 30

    Beautiful beautiful picture!

  28. 31

    That is beautiful!

  29. 32

    Looks like the same view from my house.

  30. 33

    That is a beautiful sight!

  31. 34

    Beautiful! Love the view!

  32. 35

    So beautiful!

  33. 36

    I love that view! What a nice thing to wake up and to and end the day with! We are starting to get developed all around us! Ugh!
