
Why I bargain shop for toys…

So what do you refuse to pay full price for?


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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


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    I wont pay full price for anything!! If i don’t have a coupon or its not on sale forget it! Especially toys!!

    Oh and i used to chop all the hair of my barbies!!

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    I think your daughter was pounding down the door because you stole her dolls for your object lesson. lol
    I refuse to pay full price for groceries…well, the “branded” full price. We shop generic brands and are coupon crazy.
    I don’t pay full price for my son’s toys either. I hear ya there.
    AND, if my boy were a girl, I would buy a $3 Bratz doll in a heartbeat. I know they’re “evil” and are definitely not the cutest things I’ve seen, but $3? You can’t pass that up if it’s just gonna get trashed anyway.
    That poor bratz doll looks like a burn victim. lol
    Have a Merry Christmas, Ms. Toni!

  3. 3

    LMAO she was only attempting to help the Bratz doll look better.

    I am LOVING your hair that color!!!

  4. 4

    I wont pay full price for purses or shoes. I only about 3 of each anyway. LOL

    Great video btw.

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    Stacy's Random Thoughts

    That was hilarious! Loved your little ‘side rant’, too…heh, heh! I agree with Amy – if I found a Bratz doll for $3, I’d buy it, too! Dolls are not my daughter’s role model(s), either! 🙂 I’m always looking for a bargain – I try not to pay full price for anything! 😉

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    I don’t know what I have last paid full price for. Seriously. If it isn’t on sale, I do not buy it!

  7. 7

    I don’t pay full price really for anything. With 4 kids to buy for, it doesn’t make much snese money wise. Plus, I get a rush out of great deals!

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