
Where are all my fellow Twilight Fans??!!

I have a little something in the works for you all so get ready to spread the word, the more people that know the better I can make it (maybe LOL). So watch for the official announcement in a day or 2, I am hoping to get the fun started by this coming Friday, I am just waiting on a few more things!

So while we wait, you tell me a few things…

Which Book did you like the most and why?

Are you going to see the movie? I swear to you if you answer no to this you are not a true twilight fan, I will cut you a little slack and not say you have to go on the first night to be a fan but you must be going to this movie if you have read the books.

What are you most excited about with the movie coming out?

Do you think Stephenie should write all the books from Edwards point of view?

Who is your favorite character and why?

Who scares you the most in the books?

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    I LOVED THEM ALL!!! YES!!! I am going to see the movie with my friend and her teenage daughter and her friend…SO EXCITED!!! What do you have up your sleves girl??? I am dying to know!!! 🙂

  2. 2

    HEre I am here!!! So excited for the movie. LOVED ALL THE BOOKS!!!! Looking forward to see what you have up your sleeve missy!

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    Well I have finished all the books yet, Im still reading Eclipse. But I’m working on it. So far tho, I like em all. Eclipse is kind of slow!
    Jess and I are making a girls night out to go see the movie! I havent seen a movie in the theatre in so long, and I havent had a girls night out EVER so it’ll be nice.
    I’m wanting to see the movie because I want to see how much relates to the book…you know a book always has more detail, lol! And I want to see EDWARD! he’s my favorite!

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    Eclipse/New Moon are my favorite because I got to learn more about Jacob. LOL 🙂

    Are you going to see the movie?YES I AM! Gonna make it a girls night out with Jamie and hopefully my mom and another girlfriend.

    Seeing the romance evolve, seeing Rob.. LOL

    Do you think Stephenie should write all the books from Edwards point of view? YES SHE SHOULD!!

    JACOB!! Because he is warm and adventurous… Like I”ve said if Jacob and Edward could be smooshed together I’d be all for it.

    Who scares you the most in the books? The Volutri

  5. 5

    My favorite book was the 4th book. I’m hoping to go see it, but money will be the deciding factor.

    I think it would be interesting to read the books from his perspective. Especially the first two.

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    I love them ALL but I think my favorite will be Midnight Sun if it gets finished. I LOVE the partial draft on Stephenie Meyer’s website. Its much more romantic.

    Of course my favorite character is Edward. Who can’t get enough of Edward? He’s such a hottie and a hopeless romantic. My next favorite would likely be Alice then followed by Emmett. I love Emmett too.

    My SIL and I count down every day until the movie release. Other than getting my eyes full of Edward, I’m most looking forward to the airport scene where Bella ditches Alice and Jasper. I’m anxious to see how Edward responds when he finds out Bella went to see James alone.

    Nobody really scares me in the books but my least favorite person would probably be Sam. He just seems so arrogant.


  7. 7

    I loved all the books!! I can’t wait for the movie to come out. My SIL and I are going to see it together. Twilight is all I think about.

    I would love to read all the books from Edward’s point of view. He is just so wonderful. I think that Stephenie Meyer is a wonderful author even The Host was a good book.(just not as good as Twilight!)


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    Yay Finally a Twilight Fan! I’ve been searching and searching for bloggers to chat about Twilight with.
    I think that Twilight and Breaking Dawn are my favorites. I keep reading and re-reading all 4. I read Midnight Sun on Stephanie’s website and loved it. She should definitely write all 4 from Edwards perspective.
    My favorite character is actually Bella. I know you probably thought I’d chose one of the guys, but I relate to Bella. Being average and falling in love, and being heartbroken when your love leaves, having to chose between relationships and friendships, it just reminds me of my life at her age. Plus Im as clumsy as Bella is, I tend to fall down a lot too.
    I can’t wait to see the movie!
