
Toni’s Tidbits: Sponsor Fails & Bon Jovi

Good Morning, Good moooorning! It’s great to stay up late, good morning good morning to you. Okay yeah right it’s so not great to stay up late when you have to get up early but sometimes we don’t have a much of a choice do we? It’s time for Toni’s Tidbits. No longer Tuesday’s tidbits because now I can do them anytime I feel like vlogging. Aren’t you just thrilled beyond belief. Can you imagine if I vlogged EVERY SINGLE DAY. Okay wont’ be doing that but will be doing it randomly instead of just on Tuesday’s.

Today’s tidbits is all about sponsors (for giveaways) and Bon Jovi. After watching the video I want to know your thoughts on everything as usual. Don’t be scared speak up in the comments, you know I flip for them! Oh but before you continue let me apologize profusely for the singing…before my coffee I thought it was a good idea, after I uploaded I see not so much. Now on to the video

After I made my Toni’s Tidbits I did receive a response so I could update under the video. Here is what the sponsor said when I asked them if it was not already set aside:

The problem is not with setting aside the offer for giveaways, the problem is that we already had a shipment promised to us from the manufacturer that did not go through. Of course if we have prior knowledge to a product being discontinued, we would of course set aside the number we have offered accordingly but that was not the case in this scenario. We were promised a large quantity of these and that promise fell through.

Okay but doesn’t that still fall under you should have set it aside to begin with. They are however going to allow the winner to pick something that is of the same value as the hairdryer so at least they are doing what they can to make it right.

What are your thoughts on sponsors who fall through (on accident or not)? How would you handle the situation?

And what do you want me to ask Bon Jovi when I meet him because I will oh yes somehow I will…I may end up in jail after but I will meet him.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Oh wow! The sponsor ran out of the giveaway item?
    And they want the winner of your site to have a pick of anything they want? AND they are going to charge her?
    That’s crazy.
    I am kinda a new blogger, I don’t have that many connections yet, but I think it just makes sense that they save out an item for the giveaway you had. Hmm? I don’t know.

    Also, Regarding Bon Jovi. Love him. He is AWESOME. If you actuALLY got up on stage with Bon Jovi, that would be so KEWL. He would be so lucky to get YOU on stage…;)
    Where’s he playing?
    I love the daily dose of Toni thing you suggested he might say. HA!
    You are so funny.

    And vlogging is so KEWL. Do ya think you could go on the sayitfacetoface website too?
    I love that website!

    Any-hoo, talk at you later girl!
    You are AWESOME!!!!

    P.S. I love the song–You give love a bad name!

    • 2

      Oh no they aren’t making her pay LOL she will get to pick something else. And yes I am totally excited about Bon Jovi

  2. 3

    OMG I made it into ur vlog!! I’m totally psyched and can’t wait to see\meet Bon Jovi (hopefully without ending up in jail). Good luck with the sponsor thing, that totally sucks and hope it never happens again.

  3. 4

    I have had a couple bad experiences with sponors regarding giveaway items, too. What a mess. Glad they replied, though.

    As for Bon Jovi, he is pretty cool. I love all things ’80s, though. I am stuck in the ’80s big time. Music and movies. 🙂
    .-= Sara Elizabeth @ Geeky Pet Mommy´s last blog ..Something painfully profound is happening to me . . . =-.

    • 5

      Oh girl me and you both, we could have some fun slumber parties (if you don’t mind kids screaming LOL). Movies from the 80’s are the best just like the music. I dont’ think you can ever beat the 80’s though the 50’s run a close second 🙂

  4. 6

    Yup had the same problem once. I made it good with the winner myself. Then the company came through and BOY WAS THAT A HAPPY WINNER!

    FYI, Bon Jovi doesn’t come in on the bus they have a private car service so look to those NOT the bus. {avid concert goer and have SEEN seen u2 4 times, 7 concerts in 3 countries.. yeah I might need to get some help there}
    .-= DiPaola Momma´s last blog ..Fit Pitchin’ Friday.. MANuary style =-.

  5. 8

    I’ve only run into one instance of this…between the time the giveaway started and ended, the product had actually been discontinued. And the way that company handled giveaways was they didn’t actually order the item until the winner had been submitted but they did make up for it, which made all the difference.
    .-= Cat´s last blog ..Tragedy Opens Your Eyes =-.

    • 9

      Oh that makes sense. Yeah the company I worked with here is going to let her choose something else as well so at least they are making it right 🙂

  6. 10

    BOK Center– where are you from? That’s where we see concerts too when we go!!

    I think that it might be beneficial to ask the sponsors to set aside the items so that it doesn’t happen again…I would def ask that they match the original price too!

    Congrats on getting tickets to see your favorite artist!! Hope that you are able to get your shout out too!
    .-= Mellisa´s last blog ..It’s A Colorful World We Live In =-.

    • 11

      I live in Northwest Arkansas :). I agree they should set aside what they offer, but as long as they make it right in some way at least something is being done I guess.

  7. 12

    I gotta tell you, I’ve never had a problem with a sponsor for items that I’ve given away – luckily. I have, however, been on the other end. I’ve won products that I’ve never received, thanks to shotty sponsors. It’s a real bummer when you put in the time to enter giveaways, only to find out it was a waste of time. It definitely makes you skeptical of companies that you’ve never heard of. And that sucks because giveaways are a great way for companies to get their name out there, and for them to fail so miserably, is not a way to gain followers and customers. I think companies underestimate the power of wronged bloggers. We do not hesitate to share our opinions, good or bad. And all it takes is a quick blog post or twitter update to tarnish a companies reputation. Embrace the power of the blogger!

    I think the only thing you CAN do is to ask for the product up front, to be mailed by you. That’s kind of a pain for you, but it’d be a way to make sure the product is available.

    And Bon Jovi? I’m SOOOO jealous!! Does he not just get better with time? Love him!!!
    .-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Lots of giveaways at Moms Focus on CyberWorld! =-.

  8. 14

    SO neat-Bon Jovi!! 🙂 Too bad for the winner, but atleast the sponsor is not flaking completely and is allowing the winner to select something else.

  9. 15

    Maybe you can auction off some of JOn’s SHIRT you will be tearing from his body!!! Or, little shreds of it. I will take some of THAT!!!
    He is one of my favorites and I have a neighbor who is ga ga GONE over him. She got a really COOL book for Christmas with such amazing pics of him and group history. YOu might want to look into this if you haven’t seen it!

    THe sponsor thing? I would think like most business transactions…for the most part (within reason) the customer is always right—and in this case there are TWO separate customers…YOU the blogger that handles the PR, and the winner of the PROMISED item they won. THey are certainly under obligation to replace her win with something of equal value and popularity!

    thanks for all the fun!
