Okay you have fair warning about this tidbit, it contains something scandalous but you must watch the whole thing or you just might miss the real scandal! I am ashamed and appalled at this secret but I really need to share and get it off my chest. So here it goes…try not to judge me too harshly!
Share you thoughts in my comments, help a scandalous sista out!
Toni Patton
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can’t watch video’s at work, so you should just email me, lol.
Girl.. that’s not a scandal! I can’t drive a stick either… car that is *snort* I’ve done it once in a major emergency.. since hubby’s truck is a manual transmission… I would learn only if your other car is a manual transmission… in case of emergency.. 🙂 otherwise it probably won’t matter much…
HAHAHAHA.. love your vids girl!
.-= Monica~MommyBrain´s last blog ..Review: Airwear =-.
Well I don’t know how to drive one either and have no desire to find out.
I will teach you ha ha! I had not driven one in a LONG time and tried recently and it was pretty comical babe! Ok, please pretty please email or comment and tell me where you got your social networking widget, I need one!!!!
Your vlog was amazing and I wish I had the talent to make a video like that, You look amazing! You are soooo freaking funny-I adored watching this! oxoxoxo
As for back belly-I would just suggest lots of ab work. I contacted that conture company, the one that vibrates your belly etc to give you rock hard abs or something like that for a review—but they just ignored me…
I don’t know how to drive a stick either. It’s not a big deal. LOL. I have no desire to learn how to drive a stick shift. Not at all. I actually only know a few people who do know how, and they are all men. I don’t think it’s ever too late to learn anything, but I don’t know that it’s something important.
I have no tips of the weight loss. I have a lot of weight to lose, and am happy to be losing 2-3 pounds a week. Usually more around 2 pounds. I hope I am able to lose it ALL, and not have problem areas like you are mentioning. From what I understand, the key to problem areas with fat like that is weight training. Shed the fat, and build the muscle. Do you just do aerobics, or actual weight training to tone?
LOL You are too funny. I’ve never attempted to drive a stick shift nor will I ever and don’t care to learn either. I don’t see automatics going anywhere.
Good luck with the tummy fat. It’s the last place I lose weight and will never be totally flat again. Three large babies really stretched out my tummy skin, so it will always be loose like a little pouch. The only thing I could suggest is to do more cardio which burns the fat, crunches won’t don’t anything but tighten your abs.
.-= Cat´s last blog ..Crock Pot Cooking for a Party Crowd – Pot Roast Recipe =-.
Hey girl!
It’s been a while! Did U end up going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras?
Did you do a post and I missed it?
Any-hoo, stick shifts. It’s a good thing to know. If you happened to get a stick shift car someday, it would be a good thing to know how to drive it. But they are a pain in the butt to drive, I don’t know, I don’t like sticks very much. I’m a minivan driving automatic girl!
Belly fat?
Hmm. It’s hard to lose. Denise Austin has some good tips. Google her. She might be able to help.
Zumba might help too.
Dancing and shaking what the Good Lawd gave us.
It is fun!
I hope you will take some time and stop by my NEW wordpress blog and tell me what you think.
This is me Cluttered Brain–also known as the Vlogging Mama!
.-= One Vlogging Mama´s last blog ..My soap opera *sigh* =-.
Great Vlog! Hey, it’s no shame not to be able to drive a stick shift. Hint, if you ever DO decide to learn, make sure you’re not learning in high traffic situations. I have a story about that one! http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/2010/02/sad-but-true-story.html
Belly fat? Right now, that is the baine of my existence. I used to have a smallish waist, but I can see that phase coming to a close. I’m thinking of someday going in to have an afternoon lipo on my waist area. (I said I’m THINKING, probably won’t!) That may be the only permanent alternative.
.-= Helena Lemon´s last blog ..Great Giveaways! =-.
LOL!!! My first car was a stick shift and my dad took me out driving…I lived in northwestern Connecticut at the time…VERY VERY hilly. It was not fun at all! HUGE hill to get to my school stalled out in front of the bus…nice right?
.-= Susan@my2boyz´s last blog ..UPrinting 250 CUSTOM Stickers or Labels Giveaway! =-.
I’ve never driven a stick shift…and I’m totally NOT ashamed. 🙂
I can’t drive a stick either. My dad always told me I needed to learn just in case I was trapped in an emergency and the only way out was to drive a stick…lol I suppose he’s right. It just seems like so much extra stuff to do while driving
The first time I drove a manual car, it was because my auto car had broken down. I called out the road side rescue and this guy came out with a truck. With my road side rescue you can opt for them to bring you a replacement car which he did but it was a manual car. lol. They had no auto’s left to hire out. He stuck my auto on his truck, but I had to drive the manual and follow him. As I had not driven a manual before he said he’d give me a quick lesson up and down this country road. What a joke! I had a 5-10 minute lesson in how to use gears, and that was it. lol. I had to follow him (bunny hopping all the way) for about 20K’s to town. Nightmare. I’ve never been so mentally challenged in my life. Haha.