
Toni’s Thoughts, sometimes I just want to give up

I am having a very hard day today, due to some things. So while I am here I am not really here today. This post is nothing spectacular. Here are my thoughts:

People are such hypocrites.

I want to give up blogging. I don’t think I have the skin for it sometimes.

I didn’t win the trip to blogher, but congrats to the 2 wonderful ladies who did.

I want to tell some companies what they people they are working with are really like but I don’t because well that is one of my nonos in my first blogtiquette posts (coming soon).

I want people to be seen for who they really are the way they are in private with a select few, not the facade they put on for hundreds.

I love my friends, the ones who stand by me no matter what, the ones who stand up for what is right. I couldn’t live life without them.

I hate watching someone with character morph into a person that doesn’t.

Is “fame” really worth throwing your values out the door for.

It takes a bigger person to stand up for what is right than it does to follow the crowd.

I love that I meet new friends daily especially when we are so similar and share the same values, it makes life fun.

I think somedays I am going crazy.

My kids have been so bad lately and I don’t know what to do to make them better.

I have seriously sucked at blog reading this week and commenting well because I suck, I will get better I promise.

I am hurt, upset, angry, sad, happy, scared and confused. Who would’ve thought you could feel all those emotions at once.

Those are the thoughts in my head today.

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    I think you are a phenomenally talented bloggess (ha! I love that word) and even though I hate when I get told this, I’m going to be so cliche and say it anyway; things happen for a reason. Who knows, maybe some kick ass sponsorship is going to come along for you that’s way better than what you could have had if you had been chosen this time. Life will go back on the upswing again, it always does. In the mean time, I suggest some loud music and a pitcher of margaritas.

  2. 2

    Not sure what’s going on. Feel better though. Here to lend an ear :]

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    Not sure what’s going on. Feel better though. Here to lend an ear :]

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    Sarah you know I actually 100% agree with you. I just pray about everything and know that if it is something I am meant to do it will happen if not there is something else 🙂

  5. 5
    Sticky (not too)

    I am so sorry you are feeling so low right now. I won’t pretend to understand what’s going on in your life- but heres a hug -to help with getting through another day.

    And I still love your new look…

  6. 6

    Toni,I love ya! Bt give it time you’ve only just started blogging. Sometimes people suck, but we must look at things both ways.

    HUGS it’s been a hard few days for me too!

  7. 7

    Toni.. I have read your blog daily since starting my own about a montha go! It entertains me, makes me think, makes me happy! Dont forget thats why you do this! Thats why we all do this! I am sorry you did not win the trip… try and keep your chin up!

  8. 8

    doesn’t it feel better to get this tuff out there?
    i totally agree with you on a lot of what you said.
    and i agree things happen for a reason…and you are not given anything you can’t handle. There is a reason for what is happening right now!
    Your such a strong women!
    I hope and pray your day/week/month gets better!!!!

  9. 9

    Sometimes life stinks, but I hope you know that there are tons of people out here in the blogosphere who love and respect you. Hang in there, and work on getting YOU and your kiddos smiling again. 🙂

  10. 10

    Toni, first of all, I think you have beautiful teeth! No. Really. I think you’re just adorable. (Did my teeth comment make you laugh?….)

    And I often think about some of the bloggers out there and wonder if this is what they’re really like in you know, real life. I can totally see where you’re coming from.

    And don’t worry about not having thick skin — that just means you are kind and caring and you feel. And that’s okay. And that’s the beauty of the delete button — and use that same idea in your head. Don’t let crap take up rent in your brain.

    I think you’re pretty much amazing and darling and you’ve been a bright spot in my day. Hang in there and know spring is coming too! 🙂

  11. 11

    My gramma always said that everything happens for a reason. You will know the reason when it presents itself and you will (hopefully) be happier that things turned out the way they did.

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    Keep It Classy, Jen

    I think we ALL have these days…

  13. 13

    I know how you feel. (about the kids being EXTRA bad lately). It must be something going around! 😉
    I hope you cheer up soon. Aren’t you still going to NKOTB???? Thats something to be cheery about!!! =)

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    Amy A.K.A. "The Mrs."

    chin up, girlie girl. You are loved and appreciated for who you are in REAL LIFE. Anyone who tries to keep up with a charade will fail at some point. The truth will reveal itself.
    Get some rest and feel better.

  15. 15

    Hang in there Toni, I don’t think you suck at all. lol. I love reading your blog. You should relax. ask your hubby to keep an eye on the kiddies for a little bit and go take a hot bath with your Twilight book.

  16. 16

    I’m sorry you weren’t picked for blogher. I was rootin’ for ya!! And I’m sorry today is a rough one.

    It’s easy for people to put on a mask online…seemingly sweet, living the perfect life – when the reality is far different from the picture they create. I’m a firm believer in karma or what comes around goes around, so I try to shrug it off. But sometimes it’s easier said than done, eh?

    Keep the faith, keep your friends close by. Hope your day turns around 🙂

  17. 17

    I’m sorry you weren’t picked for blogher. I was rootin’ for ya!! And I’m sorry today is a rough one.

    It’s easy for people to put on a mask online…seemingly sweet, living the perfect life – when the reality is far different from the picture they create. I’m a firm believer in karma or what comes around goes around, so I try to shrug it off. But sometimes it’s easier said than done, eh?

    Keep the faith, keep your friends close by. Hope your day turns around 🙂

  18. 18

    Why would you give up blogging? You are so amazing at it.

    For me personally, I find I am most honest and true at my blog because of the fact that they don’t know me in real life. I am pretty much the same in both places, though.

    I do agree that people are fake, though. I totally have experienced what you have when you see them change right before your eyes. I blog about fake people a lot. It’s why I have so few friends. People think I am judgemental, and I am, but also I don’t stand for fake people. And, sadly, a lot of people are. One person one minute another the other.

    I hope things look up for you soon. Everything happends for a reason and you, though I only know you in bloggy land, are an amazing woman. You are a very successful blogger and have a huge following for a reason. People get you, understand you, and like you.

    I am sorry you didn’t win the BlogHer thing. I was just talking to another Arkansas blogger asking if there is a local blog group. I know you are moving to Florida, but create your own blog group. Travel and meet up with the women you know and love in bloggy land. I am planning my own right now, trying to make a Northwest Arkansas one. I only talked about it once with my other AR bloggy friend, but I have actually been researching it on my own time.

    Call it . . . A Weekend Dose of Toni. LOL. Meet up, have some drinks, dance, and have a great time.

  19. 19

    We all have our ups and downs I hope everything gets better soon

  20. 20

    Chin up girl!!! There would be a HUGE VOID in the bloggy world if you were to “quit”. You are awesome and DO NOT LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENTLY!!!!!! I hear you about the thick skin thing…I am too a we bit senestive sometimes…just proves you are actucally human!!! HUGHS!!!!

  21. 21

    I love reading what you write and I’m sorry you’re feeling low. 🙁 I’ve been there too sometimes. Chin up!!!!!

  22. 22

    Well, we all know people will do anything to win, to be the best… even if they have to cheat and badmouth and belittle. That is the way some people choose to live their lives, and just because it isnt biting them in the a$$ today, doesn’t mean it wont someday. Toni, think of it this way… you have so much more than those other people. You have:
    1. True friends. Freinds who annoy you, who get annoyed with you and who you forgive and who always love you NO MATTER WHAT. Not everyone can say that, sadly too few can.
    2. You have a huge following and a huge talent for blogging and making friends… not everyone has that special spark that you do.
    3. To be shallow… but you are a beautiful woman and you are ITALIAN to boot!!! YAY
    4. You have a happy marriage, adorable (if naughty) kids….
    5. You have Harry Potter~! YAY

  23. 23

    *hug* I only just figured out yesterday that I suck at news lol I had no idea about the other contest :/

    Chin up, hon. Everything indeed happens for a reason. Look at the signs around you for guidance. You’d be amazed at what they tell you 🙂

  24. 24

    HUGS to you! Hopefully it all gets better soon.

  25. 25

    I’m new to your blog (I’m a friend of Sissy’s and found you via her blog), but am sorry to hear that you’ve been hurt by someone.

    I think you are a hoot and especially loved that dancing video a while back. 🙂

    Hope things improve soon!

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    Stacy (the Random Cool Chick)

    Awwwwww, Toni! BIG HUGZ to you! I’m so sorry you were having such a bad day…I think you are awesome, and I love reading your posts (even if I have to back-track to catch up when I have an ‘off’ week). 🙂

    Sarah wrote everything I was thinking, so thanks, Sarah, for saving me the typing! 😉
