
Toning It Up With Toni & #YourShape: Thin Doesn’t = Fit

So week one is over and I decided this week to do the week one wrap up vlog style. So I will share my thoughts on week one and why I know first hand that Thin doesn’t always equal fit. So all you people out there who think a thin person is fit…you might want to reevaluate your thinking. Check out my thoughts on my first week of the Your Shape Challenge:

Now you know, I swear to you I about keeled over the first workout. My chest hurt I was breathing so hard. I admit I actually had to stop for about a minute. Yes yours truly here had to stop. However did you notice after the change in my eating habits and working out with Your Shape (I did not gym this week) I am down a little over 2 pounds, from 119 to 116.8 !

I am a bit nervous about the weekly pictures as I am my harshest critic so while I am looking forward to seeing the change down the road I am not looking forward to the grodiness I will see for the first few weeks. I shudder just thinking about it. So that wraps up week one and my thoughts on it. Check back next weekend to see if I am sharing thoughts, recipes, a whrrl. You never know but it will be something! Have a great weekend!

Previous Your Shape Posts:

Toning It Up With Toni Post 1

*Game and other perks are provided from Collective Bias to myself and the other members of the Your Shape Challenge. Views and Thoughts in all of my Your Shape posts are that of myself and not influenced in any way.

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    I did the 30 Day Shred back in September and lost 15 pounds… I have continued to lose a little more and I feel so much better working out every morning now. Keep up the good work and dont forget to eat! You dont want to wither away to nothing LOL
    .-= Jenn´s last blog ..Soft Scrub Total~ Review =-.

  2. 3

    Do it for you- that should always be the reason behind exercise! Way to go, toning up for the skinny girls.
    .-= Naomi´s last blog ..Tukaiz Personalized Calendars =-.

  3. 4

    Great vlog! Way to go. I can attest to the thin not meaning fit. I am meaning years ago when i was really thin. (now I really do need to lose the weight too) and I was not in shape…
    It is great you are doing this while you are young to be in shape!
    .-= Sandy´s last blog ..Organizing Your Morning Kid Routine =-.

  4. 5

    I agree, great vlog.
    I too am taking weekly photo’s but not in a bikini. I am wearing my workout outfit that really shows my “curves” and taking not only front photo’s but side photo’s as well.
    Way to go on the almost 2 lb weight loss, Toni, Tony, Tone 🙂
    .-= Claire´s last blog ..Week One, One lost =-.
