
Things I Have Learned From Big Brother This Season…

Big Brother

This season of Big Brother has been one of craziness and laziness.  Here are some thoughts I have running through my head with the season coming to a close in a few weeks….

  • Shelly flops around more than a fish out of water.  She back stabs, gossips, going back and forth so much it’s giving me whiplash.  Yet, she says to everyone “I can’t wait for you to go back and watch the show“.  ERR, not your best words because you are going to be seen doing exactly what you are trying to say you didn’t do to every side.  I have decided she is definitely this season’s Dr. Will.  Though she doesn’t have his charisma so I have a feeling she may be gone this week.
  • I have learned you can be lazy all the way through the season and let everyone else do the dirty work then make it to final 5 (Kalia & Porsche come to mind).  Probably two of the laziest houseguest I have have seen in all the seasons.  They just get on my last nerve almost as much as Shelly.
  • The vets have almost as much common sense as the newbies.  Does taking each other out when you could have had a massive power alliance to final 5 seem smart to anyone?  Dummies!
  • There is not one person who should ever go into the Big Brother house and say they are not going to resort to lying.  I don’t think I have seen one person follow through with that, because even if you don’t outright tell a lie you are still lying by omission at some point or another.  Honesty doesn’t seem to be “cool” in big brother though I fully intend on changing that when I go.
  • I am going to say something I though I would never say, I hope Rachel makes it to final 2 with Jordan.  Girl has pulled some moves and been hated and yet here she still is.  I still haven’t the foggiest how she’s pulled it off.
  • I wish Jeff hadn’t been voted out, he was quite fun to look at.
  • I miss Evel DIck, he would have won this season I bet.  Definitely my all time favorite houseguest.  I hope he comes back for an all star show.
  • Last, I could totally WIN Big Brother so watch for me on a season in the future, just sayin’.
Have you been watching Big Brother this season?  Do you have a favorite?  Out of the ones left who do you hope to win.
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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


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    Yes, Jeff is definitely easy on the eyes! I haven’t really watched this past week with him gone!
