
The Hurt and The Healer by MercyMe

I came across this song, by MercyMe sometime ago, but had forgotten all about it when it came on the radio the other day. It is a song that feels like it was written for me (along with many other songs I’ll share in the coming days…I feel like sharing what I’m doing, feeling, listening to, etc can help others…even if it helps just one person, I will have done well)

The song is called “The Hurt and The Healer”, and it’s basically talking about being in a place of pain and suffering but letting Jesus bring you through (could be something like I am currently going through or a situation completely different). Just letting the healer hold you and navigate you through the hurt. It’s not going to be easy or instantaneous, but eventually, the hurt and the healing will collide.

This part of the song…I have no words for how it seemed to fit my mood this morning:

Breathe, Sometimes I feel it’s all that I can do

Pain so deep that I can hardly move

Just keep my eyes completely fixed on You

Lord take hold and pull me through

Songwriters: Barry Graul / Bart Marshall Millard / Jim Bryson / Michael Scheuchzer / Nathan Cochran / Robin Shaffer

I hope this song will touch you just as it did me. Praying for you, if you are going through something that feels so painful you aren’t sure how you can make it through.

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!