
The Hunger Games, This Book Is Amazing!

After hearing several people go on about how great The Hunger Games book, by Suzanne Collins, was I had to steal my sons copy. I dove into and at first was worried I was going to be a little disappointed. It started off fairly slow, but if you can push through the first few chapters it is wonderful (at least to me).

It was so good I could not put it down and finished it that day. In fact it was such an ending that leaves you going “NOOOOOOOO!!!” from wondering what is going to happen next. My advice is to go ahead and pick up book 2 (and from what I hear 3 as well) so you can jump right in. I am lucky I have a best friend with a kindle so she was able to lend me the second one when I called her to tell her I am dying to know what happens next.

The Hunger Games is written through the eyes and thoughts of Katniss Everdeen, who we learn has not had the easiet of lives but makes due. It takes place in the future in a place called Panem, which located in what used to be North America. The Capitol is the one who controls all 12 districts, there used to be 13 but it was destroyed after rebelling against the capitol. As punishment for the rebellion, the Capitol put together “The Hunger Games”, which is a game in which the tributes (participants) must fight to the death leaving one victor.

Annually, one boy and one girl from each district are chosen to fight in the games. As her sister Prim’s name is pulled for this year, Katniss, can’t stand knowing her sister would likely not survive and volunteers herself. Along with her, the boy tribute Peeta, get ready to literally fight for their lives. They make allies, get injured, fight and do what they can to survive knowing in the end they will have to turn on one another because there can only be one victor….or can there. Unknowingly taking a stand against the leaders, Katniss’ battle may not be over just because the games are if she makes it out alive.

The Hunger Games has to be one of the best books I have read in quite some time. With heros, villians, humor, sadness, anger, love, and so much more this book is one that pulled me in (after the first few chapters). A story of a young woman who has to grow up too fast. Make decisions one should never have to make and do what she can to make sure herself and her family are safe. This is a book I highly recommend, though make sure you have the ones that follow on hand or you will be left hanging. I have now started the second in the series because I could not stand to wait. No worries, I’ll let you know how it is. If you can’t find me, I’ll be glued to my kindle!

On another note, this makes me ECSTATIC for the upcoming movie. I looked at a list of the characters and the actors they got to portray the characters in the book are such a great fit. I will definitely be seeing it as soon as I can! Have you read any of The Hunger Games books?

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Loved this series! I know lots of people complain about the 3rd book, but I actually liked it, although my teens thought it was too sad.

  2. 2

    I just saw a preview for the movie – it looks awesome!

  3. 3

    I had a handful of my close friends beg me to read it!
    I did- and just finished the 3rd book last night! They are AMAZING books!

  4. 4

    I have read them all… I am on pins and needles for the movies!

  5. 5

    I need to read this book.

  6. 6

    I haven’t read this book yet!

  7. 7

    I know a lot of people who really love these books!

  8. 8

    I actually just read these the first couple weeks of this month & even got my fiancee to read them- he read all three of them in under a week, even though he works 60 hour weeks, because he got so into them. Okay, I did too, I just read slower. 😉 They are insanely good.

  9. 9

    that sounds really good. I truly wish I had more time to read

  10. 10

    Yes, I’ve read the series and loved it! Can’t wait for the movie and I’m planning on re-reading the first book right before the movie comes out.

  11. 11

    I’ve heard it’s great as well and actually have the first book but just haven’t had the time to sit down and enjoy it.

  12. 12

    My mother in law is reading this series and LOVES it!

  13. 13

    I read all three in a week. There are great.

  14. 14

    Read this when it first came out. the series! Can’t wait for the movie!

  15. 15

    My son is reading that book…saw it on his nightstand.

  16. 16

    I’m reading Mockingjay now! Loved The Hunger Games and can’t wait to see the movie!!

  17. 17

    I keep hearing about this book. I’ve got to check it out!

    • 18

      OH I highly highly suggest it. I finished the other two the two days after reading this one (one a day b/c I couldn’t put them down). great books

  18. 19

    all my friends are talking about how great this book is and i want to try it but im not sure my parents will think its suitable. what age group would you recommend it for?
