
Thankful Thursday and what I am annoyed about

Well I wasn’t going to post today because well frankly I am exhausted from work and am in a bit of an annoyed mood. Then I thought well Toni why don’t you just turn that frown upside down and list some things you are thankful for. Man that Toni has some great ideas. However it’s good to express all feelings so I will list somethings that annoy me and things I am annoyed about and then follow with what makes me thankful….ahhh the best of both worlds I get to complain and then be happy.

~I am annoyed that my kids won’t let me sleep in or get a nap so I am running on empty however I am thankful for my kids without them my life would be incomplete

~I am annoyed that I can’t be in Florida with my mom through her treatments however I am thankful for my mom’s strength because with it she gives me strength.

~I am annoyed at people that act like friends when they think something juicy is going on and want gossip however I am thankful for the real friends that call or email when I am upset about something small to let me know they care.

~I am annoyed at people who will “latch” onto you to try to get themselves further in some way, then drop you when they find someone who may be able to get them further, I am thankful for those that help others to grow and don’t expect anything in return

~I am annoyed at cliques of hoity toity people that act like they are better than everyone else, I am thankful for the cliques of the nice people that know they everyone is their equal.

~I am annoyed at people who do the b***hwork for others because they feel important, I am thankful for those that do work for themselves because it makes them feel good to know they accomplished something THEY wanted to do.

~Spongebob annoys the crap out of me, however I am thankful for The Best Day ever song because my daughter sounds so adorable singing it.

~I am annoyed that people will lie about other people to get everyone to drop them as a friend, I am thankful that people have minds of their own to choose for themselves.

~I am annoyed that my husband doesn’t take 2 seconds to hang his clothes up instead of draping them over the rack, I am so very thankful that he has taken on getting big man up and ready for school in the morning so I can sleep a little later.

~ I am annoyed that my kids are growing up and will never be a baby again, I am so very thankful for each and every memory and milestone I get to experience with them.

So what about you what are your annoyances? But wait before you list them you have to make sure you have something to counteract those annoyances, something to be thankful for. Now go!


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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    LOL Toni!!!
    I agree with you on most of these. I am glad we are friends Missy!

  2. 2
    The POSHpreneur

    Well, I am annoyed that so many people call themselves a Christian and yet go around judging everyone…we all need to LOVE and SUPPORT each other as Christian women and take heed to the word “you will know a tree by their fruits”

    I am thankful that at the end of the day I can hold my head up high and trust that the truth always comes out

  3. 3

    Great Post Toni!!! Love it and YOU!!! Just remember that!!!

  4. 4

    Those are great.

    I’m thankful I can hold my head up high knowing I’m doing what’s right for my family.

  5. 5

    These are fabulous! How do I add my link? Here is what I am thankful for and annoyed at. You started a good trend this week Toni.

  6. 6
    Stacy's Random Thoughts

    It’s like you were reading my mind on a majority of those! Great post! 🙂

  7. 7

    Love the post. I actually thought you’d take a break today, girl your gonna wear yourself out. But this was a great post thanks. Maybe next week I will do this, is this going to be weekly?

  8. 8
    Amy A.K.A. "The Mrs."

    Good stuff. I’ll give it a shot.
    I’m annoyed that I only got 4 hours of sleep because Alex refused to go back to sleep after a bad dream.
    I’m thankful for the beautiful moment when he fell asleep with me curled up next to him in his “big boy” bed.
    And I’m thankful I found Ms. Toni’s blog.

  9. 9

    Great idea, Toni and fab-u points.

    I can’t get logged into my blog so here it goes: One daily beef is with a hubby that can only get his dishes into the sink but can’t get them into the dishwasher. The flipside is that I’m blessed with a wonderful man that I appreciate enough to overlook this offense(and other).

    I can be that anal because living with me is a dream, right? *cough*

  10. 10

    ~ I am annoyed that my kids are growing up and will never be a baby again, I am so very thankful for each and every memory and milestone I get to experience with them.

    I can completely feel you on that one. It’s bittersweet.

  11. 11

    I’ve got an award for you!

    You can come pick it up at –

  12. 12

    Great post! I’ll have to think on that one.

  13. 13

    I’m annoyed that it took me this long today to be able to sit down and blog, check email, and read blogs. Heck, today? I mean this weekend. Ugh.
