
Tampon Talk With Toni *Men Be Warned*

Well after talking with my friend Sara, I couldn’t not vlog about this. Today you are getting Tampon Talk with Toni. An interesting vlog topic I am sure (probably not so much to the men). Here are my thoughts on a subject that had my friend and I cracking up. No worries there is no instruction video…I have enough class to not show my body on my blog..but not quite enough not to talk about tampons. Hey they are a occurrence in most women’s life so why not have the conversation.

Now you share your thoughts. What in the name of heavens would you do if you got asked to write a review on tampons…even for me it’s a bit skeevy. And how’s that weekend starting post for ya.

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Oh my goodness! LOL Ummmmmmmm….if someone pitched for me to review a tampon, I would have to say a big fat “NO” to that. I have no clue what you would say in a review about tampons. Everything you say would just sound wrong no matter what. “This one felt better than that one.” “This one wasn’t very absorbent and made a mess.” …see my point? It all sounds wrong. LOL Too funny. Thanks for the giggle.
    .-= Amy @ Coffee with the Mrs.´s last blog ..Put Your *Dressed* Foot Forward =-.

    • 2

      Precisely my thoughts I don’t think I could blog about it and still be serious and yes everything would sound completely wrong LOL

  2. 3

    HA! I have NO idea what I would say!

    I would definitely refuse their offer.
    How would one write it up without offering pictures?
    I would take a picture of the tampon but not my who-hah!
    LOL. I love your vlogs Toni! You rock!

    I hope you will stop by and check out my chair dancing skillz later when you get time. Thanks!
    .-= One Vlogging Mama´s last blog ..Heck yeah! It is FRIDAY! =-.

  3. 5

    Oh. My. Gosh. You linked to me and EVERYTHING!

    Announcement to all Tampon Talk with Toni Viewers: I kinda of got pitched to about tampons, but kinda not. So, they want me to use two different brands/types. All are not labeled, so I can’t tell which one’s which. Thank goodness I don’t have to blog about ’em, but I DO have to answer a feedback survey. <– All compensated, but nevertheless, it's weird.

    I could NOT actually write about it. It's just wrong. lol

    • 6

      Um yes BFF of course I am going to link to you…I figure no shame in our talks you can hold your head high LOL
